Chapter 21

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Hey guys!



You guys are AMAZING!

Thanks so much for all your comments and votes :D and thanks to all those who followed me <3

I love reading your comments so feel free to comment your heart out :)

I'm glad a lot of your are enjoying the book :)

Thank you sooooooo much :D <3

Anyway, Enjoy :3



I woke up as excited as an 8 year old going to the zoo for the first time. Except it wasn't my first time, I'd been there a few times when I was little, for excursions at school, even for a date with Will.

But this was different, I wanted to learn heaps of new forms! I could imagine prowling through the forest as a tiger, swimming through the river as a turtle...

I threw on my favorite shirt, a pair of high-waist shorts and my grey hoodie I got last Christmas. I pulled on my red converse and began packing a small backpack I had in my cupboard with things like a drink bottle, my wallet etc.

That got me thinking about the forest again. What had they done with my backpack? It had only been a few days, maybe a week, but I wanted my backpack back! Maybe they had forgotten or something, maybe if I asked for it back they would give it to me. Maybe they lost it. I sure hope not, that backpack was an expensive gift from my uncle Sam, who goes hiking and stuff.

I tied my hair into a simple plait and headed out the door. I opened the front door and found Isabelle was standing there with her hand reached out to grasp the doorknob. She looked slightly surprised to see me leaving this early, mum hadn't woken up yet even though it was 8am.

"where are you going?" she asked, her voice almost panicked. She was wearing her party dress and her hair was messy and in her eyes. Her makeup was smudged and looking awful. For once, she looked less than perfect.

"none of your business" I muttered.

"don't give me that" she snapped "what was that last night?! You and him! Since when? I saw you! You were-"

"kissing me" said a deep voice behind her.

She turned, looking slightly surprised and nervous with a little added fluster. Her face blushed more orange than her fake tan.

"oh" she exclaimed, brushing a hair out of her eyes nervously "F-Felix! I didn't see you there"

"obviously" he said, unemotionally.

"ummm" she looked back and forth between him and I "I'll just go" she started walking towards the door but turned to me, "we can discuss this when you get back from.... Where ever that may be.." she bumped past me and into the house, standing at the doorway. I knew she was hinting that she wanted to know where I was going with Felix, but neither of us answered. She stood there for several seconds, glancing between the two of us, before she gave up, slamming the door behind her.

Felix turned his gaze to me. "ready to go?" he asked, smiling at me "we'll take the bus to town".

"a bus" I repeated "how classy". He smirked and said "its not that bad, the bus driver is pretty nice".

We started down the path towards the bus stop.


There was a dusty, rocky road surrounded by forest that goes for at least 20 minutes before you reach The Central City or Middle City as some call it, but don't let it fool you. Suddenly you find yourself in concrete wonderland. A fistful of skyscrapers and traffic as far as the eye can see. Of course, you can also spot it in the distance, surrounded by smog but still slightly visible.

The Girl Who Cried WolfTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon