Chapter 36

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Hey guys :D

I think I just broke my own heart writing this chapter :P

I still enjoyed writing it though, as I always do ^~^

Anyway, thanks for all your comments

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And thanks for all the amazing people following!!

I don't think I would ever of gotten this far into writing this book without the amazing support of my family, friends and especially all you lovely people

This is probably the furthest I've gotten to writing a book, to be honest! So this is an amazing experience and achievement for me!! :)

Enjoy the chapter



The only place you find a beautiful eagle like this, is South Field.


I did not hesitate.

I shifted into my hawk and flew outside. The sign HOTEL was painted on a large board in front of me.

Down the bottom, very small, was the writing 'painted by Mary Stone, West Field's local painter'.

Sending a mental apology to Mary Stone, I broke off 'West Field's local painter' and flew back inside.

I shifted instantly, hoping nobody saw me. I don't think they did, seeing as most were asleep by now.

The eagle made a small, impatient noise.

I made a soothing one back.

I broke off 'local painter' and threw it past the eagle, out the window. The eagle looked disgusted at me.

Using my fingernails, I scratched 'JESS' into the back, before giving it to the eagle

My fingernails now ached, but the job was done.

The eagle took the wood in his beak and made another noise.

"North Field" I instructed him "Felix".

The eagle gave a small nod and flew away from me. I crossed my fingers that Felix would get the message. I didn't know what could be taking him so long anyway.

"we can't just assume West Field is responsible for the disappearance, we need proof!". I remembered these well chosen words Felix had spoken to the angry mob that night. Although, I knew Felix wouldn't just sit around waiting for proof now that I was gone. He would probably be fighting Alpha Kyle to get to West Field and find me.

I could just imagine the scenario now:


"More people than just Jessica matter, Felix" Kyle muttered "What about North Field? If we send all of the pack over there, who will defend our town? We don't even have proof!"

"It has to be them!" Felix argued "You saw how much Alex wanted her under his possession, he would do anything to get her. He's a lunatic!"

"Let's think about this for a minute" Kyle said "Let's say she is at West Field, her sister too. If we attacked them, don't you think they would want that? The moment they attack, they could sneak around and slaughter our town! Then we get back and find everyone dead! Imagine the look on Jessica's face if she comes one to find her mother dead on the floor! And all her friends too! Do you think she would want that? Let's wait for proof before we make any rash decisions"

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