Chapter 31

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This place was a maze.

When I finally thought I was coming towards the exit, I would find myself in another room. I don't even know how many floors I needed to go down. My first mission was to find Isabelle. But i needed to be undetected, so I needed to find Estelle and demand my powers back.

Once I had my powers back, I could try and find a bug or something, even an ant. A black one would be preferred, as it was very dark in here.

Opening another door that I thought might lead towards the exit or something, I wound up in another room.

I remembered my black cat, but I still needed my powers to shift.

"conscience?" I thought "are you there?"

There was silence. I suddenly remembered that I hadn't heard her since I'd told her to stop talking. More like yelled. I gave a sigh inwardly, every part was filled with guilt. My heart felt heavy in my chest, i felt sick, like someone had punched me really hard in the gut. It was that feeling that made you want to sit and cry.

But that wouldn't help.

Walking down the dark corridor, I noticed there was lots of junk lining the walls. Old rusty bicycles, broken wardrobes and chests, even a shopping trolley.

I walked over and hid myself behind a wardrobe.

"conscience?" I pleaded "come back, I need you"

The silence was deafening.

I felt utterly defeated.

Stepping out from the wardrobe, I made my way along the hallway as quietly as i could. A flight of wooden stairs came closer and I heard voices getting louder from the floor below.

I had a long time before anyone came back to check on me, which I was now grateful for.

I heard a crow caw down below and my heart sank. How was I supposed to get to Estelle with all those people nearby?

But I had to take my chance.

"We'll keep watch overnight ma'am, you get some rest" I recognized Nicolas' voice "nobody is going anywhere".

"good" I heard Scarlett's important sounding voice "and if anything does happen, just sent Estelle, she knows where to find me".

Estelle gave a squawk.

I heard several footsteps creak along the floorboards, then a door slam.

Several seconds later the voices started up again.

"thank god she's gone" chuckled Nicolas.

"time to drink up" chuckled a voice I didn't recognize.

The clanging of glass bottles sounded and the bottles were open.

Within a few minutes they were up to their third bottles.

"where's Alex?" asked Nicolas.

"I don't know" hiccuped the other guy "he left earlier".

The Girl Who Cried WolfWhere stories live. Discover now