Chapter 25

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The moment someone tells you somebody is watching you, it's almost an instinct to look around and see if you can see them.

I did this too.

But everyone looked so normal it was scary (normal being they all looked supernatural). 'perhaps they have disguises' I thought to myself.

"of course they do" said Conscience as if it were so obvious. She then disappeared again.

I panicked. There were hunters after my blood. Hunters in disguise. I thought I would know who was who. My mind went back to the hunter on the bus, in his mysterious outfit. He looked so obvious, unlike these people.

"Jess?" I jumped about three feet in the air "what's wrong?".

Felix was staring at me. His eyebrows knitted together, his eyes creased with worry. His mouth was in a thin line, not like his beautiful lips.

He was worrying about me.

"it's ok if you can't do it" I suddenly realized he was talking about my 'half shift thing' "it's not that important".

"I-I....." but I couldn't get the words out, I choked instead.

"are you ok?" he asked, putting a hand on my shoulder "is it too much for you?".

"hunters" I finally whispered, staring into his eyes.

What happen next was kind of strange. Felix's entire expression changed from being worried to being terrified.

"we need to get you out of here" he said hurriedly, grabbing my arm so tightly it hurt.

He began dragging me towards the exit sign and I made no attempt to stop him. In fact, when he started running I did too.

He was staring around, looking terrified, making sure nobody was following us. Only problem was that everyone was staring at us. It would be impossible to tell who was a hunter and who wasn't.

We got to the bus stop, luckily just as a bus pulled up.

The door slowly opened.

"North Field?" asked Felix.

The bus driver shook his head.

Felix thought for a moment.

"Central City?" he asked.

The driver nodded.

It wasn't the same cheery bust driver as before, it was a tall thin man with a saggy face. He glared at us through his round glasses.

We got in.

Taking a seat right at the back, Felix let me go in first. I sat by the window and watched the zoo creep out of existence.

"we have to warn the pack" Felix explained "I'm sorry but this means your secret will be out".

"but-" I began.

"Jess if you want to live then you have to trust me" he almost yelled "because your life is on the line here. Those people are born to kill. They are taught everything from birth. They are cold blooded killers and will stop at NOTHING until you are DEAD".

"the hunter on the bus..." I whispered

"as long as I'm around your safe" he explained "they want you alone. It's an easy kill. There's no fuss and not a lot of mess".

"so we get back to the pack and..." I waited for him to finish.

"we to straight to Kyle and tell him everything" Felix instructed "don't lie, don't leave anything out. He needs to know this, Jess. I'm sorry it had to come out this way".

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