Chapter 28

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Hey guys!

Okay, so what Jess did was incredibly stupid.

But if a friend (who didn't care that you were different) was in danger, wouldn't you try to save her? I mean, after all she's done for you?

Anyway, hope your enjoying the book :)

There are still plenty of chapters to come, so don't worry ^~^

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Thanks for all your support guys! Your all amazing people :D


Ps. 60k views! Yaaaay! <333


A trap.

It was a trap.

I woke up to the sound of drums, which turned out to be my heartbeat. My head throbbed with pain. I sat up slowly, trying not to make the headache any worse.

I took in my surroundings.

I was lying on a cheap bed with rusty iron railings and thin, scraggly sheets. The pillow was dirty and the sheets had drops of blood on them, mixed in with the dust.

The paint on the walls was peeling and revealing a dark grey wall.

There was a crappy light bulb above me that was sim and flickering.

There was a dirty old window but I could tell just by looking at it that you couldn't open it and the glass was very thin and old.

I swung my feet around and my toes hit the cold hard floor. I noticed that my pink and blue bunny pajamas were dirtier than they originally were before I met Estelle, probably more my fault thought seeing as I had stumbled through a forest whilst wearing them.

I walked over to the door (changing to a tiptoe when I discovered the floor boards creaked) and tried to open it. It was locked. The lock in the door was covered in elaborate swirls and flowers. The keyhole looked very complicated and obviously fit a very strange key.

Noticing another door at the other end of the room, I tiptoed over there. This one had no doorknob at all and simply swung open when I pushed it. It contained a small, very dirty toilet. Nothing else. The toilet was on a slight slant and looked very unstable, but the water was slightly clean so maybe it still worked.

I walked out of the bathroom and tiptoed over to the window and peered out, brushing the cheap curtain away, which almost fell to pieces in my hands. Down below was a horror scene. Women and children were cuddling not in the nice way, but out of fear and cold. Their clothes were torn and their bodies looked like they had never been washed.

Two muscular men were fighting, wearing only shorts. They were lathered in sweat, it continuing to roll off their bodies.

One man was obviously stronger than the other. The stronger man had torn shorts and scars all over his body, including one that sliced across his right eye. He was gritting his teeth and pushing against the man, trying to get him to the ground.

The second man was the same height with less muscles. He was sweating more than the scarred man and was slowly being pushed to the ground. He had bruises all over his face, a very bad nose bleed and a swollen eye. I couldn't see much but I think some of his teeth were missing too.

Both these men were clean, obviously the sweat that rolled off their bodies had washed away the dirt.

Eventually the scarred man got the weak man to the ground and began punching him hard.

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