Chapter 27

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It was around 3am when I was woken by the voice. It was soft, sweet and welcoming, but unfamiliar.


My eyes flashed open and I fell from the couch. I must of fallen asleep by the fire, lying on the mint green couch. Who could blame me? It was so comfortable.

The book I had been reading fell from my lap with a KA-THUNK. It was flipped open to page 295. It was some werewolf romance book I'd found in the library in the basement. Id been currently reading ending when he pulls his mate into his arms and kisses her. She 'melts' into the kiss. I'd had made me wonder if I'd ever find my mate, perhaps I would but some werewolves remained single forever.

The book was called 'When I'm with Him'. Lately, I'd been flicking through books about werewolves for any sign of a shifter, but had come up with nothing. I knew I wasn't the only one out there... I couldn't be. Could I?

Shaking my head, I glanced around the room.

There are so many features to the pack house.

That's right, there's an underground library. It had so many books it wasn't funny and I planned to check out non- fiction shifter books later on. I guess right now I just needed something that wouldn't fill me with so many facts my brain would explode.

In the library, there were shelves that seemed to stretch on forever, piles and piles of books people had borrowed, returned and not put away. There was at least twenty writing desks, all with pens and your choice of blank, lined or colored paper.

If you kept walking for a while, you would eventually reach a lounge with soft, plushy pillows and a warm fireplace. The coffee table was littered with many magazines.

The walls, floor and ceiling were all made from cement, except for the fluffy rug where the lounge was. This is where I was.

I sat up, listening for the voice but heard nothing. I focused on the mind link, looking for anyone talking, but it was dead silent.

(hello?) I called quietly into it.

Nobody replied.

Maybe they were too busy and tired to focus on two things at once. Maybe Kyle turned my mind link off.

I groaned and got up, stretching my arms and yawning. I stumbled a bit because the only sources of light were the glowing coals of the fire, which made it very dark. I thought of putting another log on the fire and going back to sleep, but my back ached from sleeping on a parculiar angle, so I thought the better of it.

I placed the book on the coffee table and made my way down the dark, shadowed shelves of the library.

I came to the stairs and began to climb until I reached the small room nobody really went near, in the pack house. It was basically a tiny room containing the staircase leading into the library. It seemed that nobody cleaned this part of the pack house. In fact, this is probably where they swept the dust from every other room to. It was full of balls of dust and wolf hair, even though shifting is against the rules in the pack house.

The door creaked as I opened it, and revealed a dark lounge room. The coals weren't even glowing here, the fire was completely out.

This made the room incredibly chilly, making me wish I could go back to the warmth of the glowing coals and the musty, ancient smell of books.

I didn't really think much of the voice that woke me up, maybe it was just a dream? I mean, when you're half asleep, you usually see and hear things don't you? Well, maybe it was because I was half asleep then.

I shuffled my way over to the kitchen, dressing gown, bunny slippers and all, to make myself a hot chocolate. These usually helped me sleep. After that I could take a warm shower and go to bed. I was already in my pajamas, my pink and blue bunny ones to be exact.

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