Chapter 9

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Hey guys :D

I know I don't do many author notes, I try to let you guys get into the book ;)

Just a huge thank you for all the support you are all giving me! It means so much to me!

Thanks and I hope you continue to enjoy the book, just as much as I have enjoyed writing it!

Side note: The chapters may be short, but the book itself is pretty long.

Thanks again!

Enjoy :)



I noticed that I hadn't needed to take my clothes off, nor put them on when I had transformed.

Just for a laugh, I called it shifting.

I had 'shifted' like everyone wanted me to.

It may not have been into the exact thing I had wish for but hey, it was something.

Suddenly I stopped short.

What if I could do it again?

What if ... Maybe.... Just maybe....

Howls sounded in the distance and I knew I had to escape.

Throwing my bag into a rabbit hole under a tree, I concentrated as hard as I could to turn into that little brown squirrel I had been before.

It happen faster then before, as if the strange power knew I was in trouble.

I scampered up the tree above my bag and sat very still.

One person shifted and landed on the ground,


It was Will, looking distinctly scared and as if he wanted to prove himself or something.

Other wolves were appearing and Kyle looked angry, even in wolf form.

I wanted desperately to throw a nut at him or something, but knew I was pushing my luck.

I climbed quickly out of sight, praying they didn't see my bag in the rabbit hole.

Sighing, I thought about how much of a burden this bag was being to me and a thought popped into my head to leave it behind.

"William you've been saying this all morning, enough nonsense." yelled one guy

"Do you know where she is?!" yelled another

"Are you trying to lead us off?"

"I maybe able to smell the scent, but your the one who's supposed to catch it."

"It's your job!"

"What are you trying to prove?"

"he's probably hiding her somewhere!"

"ENOUGH" yelled Kyle.

Everyone hushed.

"William, I'm keeping you on night shift. Find Jessica. Sam, Chris and Michael, that goes for you too. Peter and Damien, your shift is over. Send Jillian and Alice" Kyle kept yelling out orders.

"but Alice can't even catch a rabbit" someone whined.

"She never complains, JUST DO IT" yelled Kyle, sending both the boys into their wolf forms and running with their tails between their legs.

"The rest of you, find her" Kyle ordered "I'm going back to North Pack to make sure the Westies haven't done anything stupid".

"they wouldn't tell us anything if their life depended on it" Will chimed in.

Kyle gave Will his darkest glare.

"William, that's enough from you tonight" he snapped "Find that girl and you'll be back in my good books".

With that he shifted and left.

Will shifted and began to sniff around near the rabbit hole.

I knew Michaels wolf, brown and white while Chris' was a yellow-white color. Sam, meanwhile was a brown/orange.

Michael sniffed over too and began digging up the rabbit hole.

Then he turned around and growled at Sam, making it clear Sam had given a smart-ass remark through the mind-link.

Digging and digging, they turned up with my backpack.

William began to howl loudly, then was joined by Michael and Sam.

The chorus of howls made wolves come running from all different directions.

Looks like Kyle had taken Alpha Andy's advice with the search parties.

Aw well, there goes my backpack.

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