Chapter 38

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At first, everything was a blur of color. I could hear voices all around me.

"will she be ok, doc?"

"she will, it's a miracle she's alive actually"

"thank god"

"when will she come around?"

"any moment now"

"I'll go get Felix, he'll probably want to be here when she wakes up"

"I'll come with you"


My heart began doing acrobatics in my chest. I wanted to see him.

"she's coming around"

I felt someone grab my hand.

"Jess? Baby?". Mum. She was here.

Mums figure slowly came into focus.

"mum" I smiled.

She grinned back.

She pulled me into a hug from the bed I was lying in. I suddenly realized I was lying on a hospital bed. The walls were white and around me were cupboards and wheel tables covered in bottles of pills and strange gadgets.

"alright there, Jessica?" asked a deep voice behind me. The pack doctor stood there, watching me closely. He was in a white coat, staring at me seriously through his round glasses.

I nodded to him.

"try to take things slow" he smiled "although I know just how excited you are to be home".

I smiled at him, then sat up slowly.

I got myself into a sitting position on the bed and swung my legs around so they were almost touching the ground.

"take it slow" the doctor reminded me.

I nodded in reassurance at him.

Then I turned to mum. She pulled me into yet another tight hug.

"I'm so glad your home" she sniffed.

"don't cry mum" I giggled as she pulled away and wiped away a tear "I'm home now, I'm safe". I rubbed her arm comfortingly.

She gave me a teary smile.

"what happen?" I asked "how long have I been out?".

Mum looked a the doctor.

"two days" she said quietly, almost a whisper.

"it's a miracle your alive, really" the doctor said "the knife that you were stabbed with was laced in silver. Any ordinary werewolf should've died. But something in your system prevented that". I raised my eyebrows at him. Something in my system.

"does is make me immune to silver?" I asked.

The doctor chuckled.

"well I wouldn't go around consuming silver or such" he smiled "and neither would I as immune. It's more that you have a high tolerance".

I nodded in understanding.

We sat in silence for a moment. Then the doors burst open.

"look who just woke up" a feminine voice broke any shreds of silence remaining.

"Isabelle" I breathed. I could hardly believe it.

She flashed a big smile at me. She looked happier than I'd ever seen her. She was wearing a white, clingy dress. Her hair was curled and flowing around her shoulders. It reminded me of the dream, but I pushed those thoughts away.

The Girl Who Cried WolfTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon