Chapter 35

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Hey guys! :D

Just a quick note, there is a swear word here! :O!

Other than that I hope you all enjoy!

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"are you sure quite this will work?" Estelle asked for the millionth time. "yes" I groaned "for the millionth time".

"okay! Okay!" Estelle looked a little flustered "but why her and not me?".

"because" I groaned "just go! Before anyone gets suspicious".

"you owe me for this" she muttered and flew into the window, shattering the glass. I placed a beer bottle I'd gotten from the pile of junk, on the ground a few feet away from the window.

Then I looked out the now broken window and into the smoggy sky. I watched her black figure until she was out of sight. I quickly picked up a rather large, sharp shard of glass before I crawling into bed. I sat upright, trying my best to look surprised and scared.

As if on cue, three people barged into the room. Nicolas, Spike and a guy I didn't know.

Nicolas approached the bed while the other two inspected the breakage. Nicolas grabbed my arm, pointing to the window. "DID YOU DO THIS?" he roared at me, alcohol was fresh on his breath.

I shrank back, looking scared. I shook my head slowly.

"I don't think she did, Nick" Spike picked up the bottle and showed it to him "looks like the party outside is getting a bit out of control. Maybe we should-"

"don't you DARE order me around, Spike" Nicolas spat "clean this up! Make sure the girl doesn't move. Find her an empty room, too". He turned to leave.

"I doubt she wants to go outside" Spike argued "I mean, all the commotion going on out there! It's safer in here anyway". He ran a hand through his navy hair, which was a mess.

"why weren't you guarding?" Nick snarled at him.

"I was taking a break" Spike shrugged "I was tired. Anyway, wouldn't you agree that Jessica wouldn't want to go outside?"

Nick looked at me sternly, as if thinking about is. I nodded, in agreement with Spike. My respect for Spike rose a little, but I was cautious. I didn't want to start trusting West Fielders, not yet anyway.

"fine" Nick hissed "she stays. But cover up that window or something!". He stormed out. Spike smirked while the other guy continued picking up glass.

Then Spike looked at me.

"where's Estelle?" he asked suddenly, fiddling with a shard of glass.

My stomach dropped.

"I-I uh...." I stammered, unable to find words "Sh-She left earlier, thought she mi-might of gone off for a er evening flight or something" I felt so awkward. That was probably the lamest explanation anyone could come up with.

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