Chapter 32

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The Next Day...

Yoongi was already packed to leave while waiting the others.

"Is HoSeok coming with us?", Yoongi asked Jimin who was walking to him with TaeHyung beside him.

"I don't think so. I heard NamJoon is taking him.", Jimin said and Yoongi waited for awhile.

HoSeok was all ready to leave when he gives his grandmother one last hug. "HoSeok, whatever you do, just make sure you are happy, okay?".

HoSeok nods and promised her that he'll visit again while NamJoon helped to carry his luggage to the car.

"Is HoSeok riding with you?", Yoongi asked and NamJoon nods as he puts the luggage in the back.

"Yeah. I'll see you all there then!", NamJoon said and Yoongi sighed before nodding at him.

"I might not come. My dad needs me.", Yoongi said before getting in the car.

He gets in the car with Jimin and TaeHyung before driving off.

HoSeok came out of the house and wondered where JungKook was. "Is JungKook not coming with us?", HoSeok asked.

NamJoon smiled at him and said, "He already left this morning

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NamJoon smiled at him and said, "He already left this morning. He'll meet you at rehersals.".

HoSeok was surprised but he went along with the plan and gets in the car with NamJoon.

They drove back to his apartment and NamJoon noticed HoSeok was still looking sad.

"You deserve the happiness in the world, HoSeok. Even if you chose yourself, it's still good.", NamJoon said and HoSeok sighed as he looks out the window.

"What if I have regrets?", HoSeok asked and NamJoon smiled to himself.

"We will have regrets. But some regrets, are worth it.", NamJoon said and HoSeok had a smile on his face after a while.

After a while, HoSeok arrives at his apartment to unpack and NamJoon waits by his living room.

Then, HoSeok heard something and checks on NamJoon until he sees NamJoon hanging the painting on the wall.

"It looks good to be honest.", NamJoon said and HoSeok smiled before thanking him.

"Well, my best friend is a painter. Of course I should have one of his painting.", HoSeok compliments him and takes the stuff he needed for the rehersals.

HoSeok looks at his phone and starts calling JungKook right away but there was no answer from him.

HoSeok called again but JungKook wasn't answering at all. "Where is this guy?", HoSeok muttered.

- Later -

NamJoon and HoSeok arrives at the theatre where the recital was happening while they see Jimin and TaeHyung waiting nearby.

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