Chapter 31

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That night...

Yoongi was grilling the meat for the others to enjoy while HoSeok was pouring the drinks in the cups.

JungKook watched HoSeok with a smile on his face and NamJoon brings out the food for them before setting it on the table.

"Here, try some.", Yoongi asked as he feeds some of the meat to HoSeok.

"Mmm~ You never failed to make good food.", HoSeok said and Yoongi smiled brightly at him.

They brought the food and drinks to the table before sitting together with the others.

"I can't believe the recital is coming soon. We saw the stage and it was pretty big.", TaeHyung said and Jimin agreed, making HoSeok feeling nervous about it.

Yoongi turned his head to him and smiled. "You feeling nervous?", Yoongi asked.

HoSeok nods and Yoongi pats his hand, calming him down.

JungKook saw it and rolled his eyes away before clenching his jaw.

"NamJoon, could you pass me some of the soju?", TaeHyung asked.

Jimin smirked and said, "I suggest we play a game.".

"What game are you thinking of?", Yoongi asked.

"Questions & Answers!", Jimin said excitedly and HoSeok was stunned.

NamJoon was looking at HoSeok and knew that it wasn't going to be a good game.

"You have to answer the questions truthfully.", TaeHyung continued.

"Okay I'll start spinning the bottle.", Jimin said and he spins the bottle while the others had their eyes on it.

The bottle stops infront of TaeHyung and he smirked while pointing a finger to Jimin.

TaeHyung laughs and said, "Have you ever got drunk until you peed in your pants?".

Jimin answered 'No' confidently and TaeHyung shook his head, making Jimin smile shyly.

The bottle spins and stopped infront of Jimin. He pointed to Yoongi and smirked.

"What made you fall for HoSeok?", Jimin asked and NamJoon turned his attention to HoSeok who was quiet.

Yoongi smiled and faced HoSeok who was looking down. "I've met a few guys before HoSeok. But none of them matches him. He's someone that you could actually be happy with.", Yoongi said.

Jimin was in awe and he spins the bottle right away.

The bottle stops infront of NamJoon and he pointed to HoSeok.

"Who makes you the happiest here?", NamJoon asked.

HoSeok smiled at him, thinking of an answer. "You, NamJoon.", HoSeok said and NamJoon was surprised to hear his name.

NamJoon spins the bottle afterwards and it stopped infront of Yoongi this time.

He pointed to NamJoon and asked, "What's your relationship with HoSeok?".

HoSeok was surprised and JungKook looks at NamJoon who was still smiling.

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