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I was feeling really good being back in my spot on the field

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I was feeling really good being back in my spot on the field. The first time I walked through the entire field show from beginning to end, I was stoked. It was the most unique field show I'd ever seen and had so many interesting parts. I couldn't help but feel so proud of my girl playing the guitar and running in to play her part on trumpet. She'd shown me the design of the outfit she would be wearing under her uniform and it was interesting.

It took a few days for all of the other excitement to die down, but then the band was peaceful. Internally any way. We'd learned that some schools have known and unknown spies coming to check out what we were going to be doing in the battle. Mr. Rich wasn't new to any of this so they were getting nothing. Or so we thought.

Tehani didn't press charges on Tracy or Shmya, which was probably a mistake. As their final revenge, they got on social media and told our entire field show and really attempted to shred the performance. Well, it was too late for anyone to change their show and be any good at it, at this time and they looked like idiots on social media. They got more dislikes than likes. It also didn't help Tracy or Shmya that they both looked like they'd gone a round with Laila Ali when they made that post.

They attempted to blame Tehani and said she jumped them. But they forgot all the students who'd witnessed the fight who were too happy to get on social media and call them liars. The videos of the fight were posted and several videos had the very beginning of the fight where Tracy attacked Tehani from behind and attempted to kill a baby had there been one in her stomach.

We haven't seen Tracy or Shmya back on social media since that day. Finals were done for me early and Tehani had a final on that Wednesday before the official start of the winter vacation. The dorm students were placing their things in storage and the campus was full of activity. We got more practice time in the stadium and the field show was ready, we were ready. The Golden Felines, with 13 were able to quickly adapt and with Ariah Simmons installed as the temp captain, they were actually on good terms and happy.

Aria was a a great dancer and she knew how to lead. It was good for the team when we were actually cheered during a Christmas parade before everyone was due to head home. We closed up the school and we were going to be returning to school on the 5th, and then getting to Florida on the 13th of January and back six days later.

Winter break was a much needed relaxation time. Oklahoma was in the middle of one of the coldest winters in sixty years. The temperatures were barely getting above freezing. We'd helped to winterize every home on pack lands. Christmas decorations went up the day after Thanksgiving and the whole area was festive.

Christmas ended up being a white one as three days before Christmas, it had started snowing and didn't stop. I was able to talk Tehani into changing into her wolf and running in the snow with me. She was a gorgeous wolf and snow just seemed to stick to her coat. Sol, minus his harness and shoes, was just the same as we were. The only thing that made me stand out was my green eyes.

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