CH. 34 STALKER!!!!

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Days have passed since Sylvester entered the picture

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Days have passed since Sylvester entered the picture.  He was a student at LU now, in the business program of all things.  I had a couple of classes with him and I knew he'd orchestrated this whole thing.  The only thing I could do was ignore him and his glances.

But, Sebastian, no, Sylvester didn't know how to keep his mouth shut.  He asked everyone about Tehani and I, how our relationship was going.  He was there to watch every practice and a few times I saw him on the phone.

Mr. Rich was aware of this as well and kept us practicing on our main field show and he would carefully add in the changes that we would be using for the battle of the bands.  That was months away, but Mr. Rich had a vision that he'd explained to the entire band and it was going to be epic if we could pull it off.

The twins and I were already working on our new moves and songs had been recorded for the dance team to start their practice.  Tracy was becoming a bigger pain in the ass with her remarks around campus.  She was quick to talk about Tehani's money and didn't even know the whole story.

Some females looked at me with knowing smiles and there was an increase in flirting as they now thought I was only with Tehani for the money.  It infuriated me to no ends, but, I had to keep my cool.  I wasn't the one to talk about what my family was worth and how much I was independently worth.  It wasn't their damn business.

This new campus gossip was having an effect on Tehani though.  She found herself surrounded by new "friends" looking to get an inside scoop on the new iPhone or have a rich friend by association.  Some were trying to get them to give their resume to people at Apple and she told them that she didn't have that kind of relationship.  She'd designed something that they wanted and they paid her for it.  That was the be all, end all of it.  No one was buying it.

Tehani spent her lunch time in the band hall working on music, both on the trumpet and on the guitar.  I'd listened to her on the guitar and was amazed at how fast she was becoming an expert on the thing.  She was doing expert style riffs on an electric guitar.

At home, Tehani tried to relax but Sylvester showed up at the gates several times to try and talk to Tehani only to be refused.  He'd tried to get in through the forest but was met with enforcers who were ready to kill.  So he tried to corner her at school, and Tehani was good at avoiding him, using magic at times to do so.

The band wasn't sure what was going on, but they could see that Sylvester was working hard to gain Tehani's attention and she was working harder to stay away from him.  I did what I could to keep him way and it didn't go unnoticed that I didn't like Sylvester.   The rumor mill was running wild that I was jealous and feeling threatened by the fact that Sylvester was tall, not taller than me, built.  I figured I was built better, and rich.  Well, according to public data, I had a good leap on him there as well. 

Too bad, that wasn't the problem.  I wasn't jealous or worried about my standing in Tehani's life.  She was scared of Sylvester and was trying hard not to be.  Her time was so full of band, and school, we hadn't even been able to start her self defense training.  Then, I had an idea.  If I was able to call her magic, couldn't she call upon my self defense training?  It was a thought to explore when time permitted.

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