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The week progressed quickly

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The week progressed quickly. Between classes, and band practice, I was super busy. The work was not hard, but it was just a lot of it. I wanted to finish as much as I could so that I could devote some time to my own projects.

Band was just fun. We'd perfected the field show that everyone was calling epic. Mr. Rich had secretly used an idea I had about a coming out or marching out song. At current, LU didn't have such a thing. It was a huge success and now he was using it everywhere.

I was making my way well in the section and Jeremy was encouraging me to challenge for a second chair to make sure I was on the field each time. I was thinking about it. It wasn't nerves as so much wanting to not rock the boat.

Khelan and the twins told me that it wasn't my problem if I was better than someone else. So, I planned to challenge high up the ladder. I couldn't go from 3rd to 1st, so I chose Joniah Brown in the 2nd chair, middle of the pack. She's a junior who's been calling me out for being a fake or not all that people thought I was.

Ironic, because she was barely getting through some of the new songs that we would be playing in the stands. There was one song the Mr. Rich wanted us to play, but it was proving to be too fast for the section to get it right.

It was Thursday evening, the day before the rally. Practice was coming to an end and Mr. Rich made the announcement.

"Any challenges this evening?"

I held up my hand holding my trumpet. There were some cheers and eye rolls from the haters of which there were many. The trumpet section though, mostly was supportive of their own.

"Alright then, Ms. Jefferson. Step forward and name your challenger."

I did the fall out of line, and ran to the front. You didn't walk anywhere during practice. "I'm challenging Joniah Brown for second chair."

Everyone was at attention so I couldn't see her reaction but was was not happy when she ran up to the front.

"Alright, Joniah, since Tehani challenged you, you can pick the song and you are required to do all movements to go along with the second chair seat be it on the field or in the stands. Field moves can be done in place." Mr. Rich outlined the rules. "Alright what is the song?"

Joniah smirked. "LITC."

Love in This Club, an Usher song. It was also one of the songs that Joniah got a lot of praise on. What I knew was her problem with some of the dance moves.

We were placed side by side and the band was called to attention. Everyone would play but the trumpet section as that would be us two for now. Jaxon as head drum major, called us to attention, gave the whistle and then the song started. Right on que, I started out with the initial shout, Joniah had forgotten.

When I started playing the second chair part, I was ready. The dance just flowed because Jeremy loved this song and his choreography for the trumpets. He had this thing with us wanting to look incredibly mean. I kept playing and doing the moves even when Joniah stumbled over one of the quick paced parts. There was a dance break for the trumpets and it was a lot of movement now. The first time I did it, I felt like an idiot. Now it was just what it was, a dance. My legs were high when I marched and my movements sharp. I played loud and attacked each note of the song.

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