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We performed in the Thanksgiving parade for the city of Langston

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We performed in the Thanksgiving parade for the city of Langston. The energy to the band had returned and we were all dedicated to doing well at the competition. I figured people were also happy about the money that they'd gotten if you were in the wreck and the others had their trip to Orlando paid for.

There was a large turn out for the parade, even from people in Oklahoma City. The Duprees had attended and were cheering for me. They'd actually approached the Langston University president about what was going on in the band. They were vocal about Khelan being forced to step down. I was honored that they cared enough when they really didn't know me or Khelan that well.

But, the biggest surprise was that the Golden Felines were booed as they passed. Well not all of them, but Tracy's and Shmya's names were specifically called out for various social flaws. There was a cheer for the trumpet section specifically and I felt people mainly came out to show support. Me and Khelan's story had made the news with many calling for Mr. Rich to step down for allowing this type of ageism to go on.

Khelan and I got nothing but support as people recounted how he sat with me in the hospital and how I'd only wake up for him. More stories were told about him helping with my physical recovery and others just seeing us around the city. I was surprised by how many people actually paid attention to us when we weren't looking.

Aileen and her sister had gotten on social media to recount just how amazing Khelan was with my anxiety and how we trusted each other. The homecoming dance was brought up and how Khelan refused to be king with Tracy as the queen. I really had a great guy.

There were videos about me and praising my fight for life and not giving up after being the target of multiple bad police experiences. I got a lot of responses for wanting to leave the band with Khelan but staying despite bitches. Those posts made me smile. Staying had been the right thing though leaving would have been easier.

After the parade, we marched back to the music hall. The golden felines did no dance moves on the way back. Tracy was a mask of pure anger and Shmya had her nose so far up in the air it was a wonder a bird hadn't landed on it.

The twins dismissed us outside and they would normally joke around with the band. They went to meet up with Khelan who was waiting for us.

I quickly went inside to put away my trumpet and grab my bag. As I was turning to leave, a hand pulled my shoulder back rather violently. Sol was with Khelan and he found his way into the room and stood in front of me and my attacker.

"Tracy," I said casually and stepped back. Her nails had dug deep. "I don't put my hands on you and you don't put your hands on me."

Tracy stepped forward despite the warning rumbles from Sol. "Relax," I said to Sol. He sat, got quiet but he was still watchful of Tracy.

"I don't like you," Tracy growled.

My brow rose and I was truly shocked at her words. "When did I ever request that you be my friend? Are we seven? If that's your reality, then go live it away from me."

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