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The first night, we were left to our own vices for food

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The first night, we were left to our own vices for food.  I'd planned to walk to one of the nearby fast food places, hopefully get Khelan to sneak away with me.  I was missing those lips.  But, that wasn't going to happen.  First, we had a ten o'clock curfew.  Second, my roommates wanted to be tied at the hip.

Shmya and Amber were going to be real pains in the ass.  They'd teamed up on Misty and bullied her into take the other top bunk.  Shmya ended up under me and she already had rules when it came to Sol.

"Just keep that mutt away from me and we won't have any problems.  I need my beauty sleep so he better not start whining and shit or he's gone.  Or she, I don't give a fuck."

I ignored her and Sol snorted.  I did place my duffels into one of the four closets, stacked neatly.  Shmya went to add her clothes to her closet and mine but found she couldn't open it.

"What's wrong with this thing?"

"It's my closet," I said.  "That's what's wrong."

"And."  She looked at her shoulder over me.  "You obviously don't care what you look like as you haven't hung up any clothes, but I do and need a little more space."

"Find it somewhere else.  That closet is mine."  I wrote my name on a piece of tape and slapped it on my closet door.  She wasn't about to bully me. 

I unhooked Sol's leash from my belt.  "Let's go for a walk, Sol."  Sol obediently moved from his spot under the desk to my side and waited to be hooked up to the leash before sitting again."

"He's very well trained," Misty commented. 

"If her other dog was trained he may not have been shot up," Shmya murmured thinking I wouldn't hear her.  I did and Misty caught some of it.

"That's a real bitch thing to say," Misty said.  "I'll go with you, Tehani."

We left the room just as Khelan was walking up.  He held a bag and it smelled delicious.  When he spotted me he smiled. 

"Knew you wouldn't have gotten food yet.  Took care of it for you."  He surprised the mess out of me by kissing me on the lips.  "Eat up, Baby Girl."

I took the bag and just stood staring after him as he walked all the way down the hall and into another dorm room.  Misty, I don't think, had taken another breath.

"He's the drum major.  I mean, one of the hottest drum majors in all of college bands.  Every one has been talking about them since they were given the spot end of last year.  I know, cause I keep up with this kind of thing."

The words came rushing out of Misty's mouth.  "And he just kissed you.  You're banging the drum major.  Holy shit girl!"

Banging the drum major.  More like he was banging me every chance he got over the past few days.  I ignored Misty and kept walking outside.  I found a small area with a few tables and sad down, prepared to eat out.  Someone had ordered pizza for anyone who wanted a slice and Misty ran over to get the free food.

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