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I had forgotten about Tehani's gifts

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I had forgotten about Tehani's gifts. She rarely used them and it just wasn't brought up. Now I realized I should have said something about this being her secret.

She seemed fine with telling my parents. What I didn't expect was for to reveal her heritage. And what a heritage. Her hair was the most vivid color of purple I'd ever seen. And she reminded me of a mermaid in how ethereal she now looked.

"God you're beautiful, Tee." I ran a finger down her cheek. "I see why you keep it hidden."

Tehani smiled at me and looked to my parents. "I thought everyone was made aware."

Tehani touched her hair and the old hairstyle was back.

"No, dear," my mother said when she could speak again. "There are so few of you. Many are in hiding for the reason you were likely taken."

I took Tehani's hand when she shuddered. "Mom, let's not talk about it." I looked to my dad. "It's my fault. I should have told her about the Alpha's privacy order."

My father nodded. "He was right to do so. It is her secret to tell and will not leave this home."

"Absolutely not!" My mother agreed.

There was a loud puppy sigh and we all looked over at Sol who was laying on his back apparently in a food coma.

Tehani smiled and I knew she was okay. Dinner continued and despite her protest, Tehani gave a nice effort to clearing her plate. When my mother wasn't looking I ate the rest of her lasagna.

"That was so good, Mrs. Gaston. Do you exchange recipes?"

My mother's eyes brightened. "Call me Octavia or Mom. You enjoy cooking?"

Tehani smiled. "Very much so. I find it relaxing and better than eating undesirable food."

My mom stood and began clearing plates. "You are free to be yourself here, Tehani. If you need us to, we can close all blinds."

"That's not necessary, Octavia." Tehani stood. "I'm healing normally and feeling great. My cast is coming off next week."

My mother had misty eyes. "You are a wonder." She took a breath and smiled before saying more.

Tehani followed my mother into the kitchen with more dirty dishes.

"How are you dealing with all of this?" My father asked when the ladies were gone.

"Barely, sometimes. I have a hard time controlling the rage when Tee opens up about her life. But, Dad! She's a miracle. Not bitter, not angry though she told me she's pissed about her desire for me." I grinned at my fathers confused expression.

"You're okay with her being pissed?"

"Yep. Means she is acknowledging the feelings and I'm working around to her not being pissed. She's agreed to make our relationship public. I'm excited that she's in the band. She's taking four classes in a computer science masters program."

Before & After (completed) MATUREOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora