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The moment I awoke, the medics asked me basic questions, checked my vitals and declared that I was medically sound and just needed to remain calm

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The moment I awoke, the medics asked me basic questions, checked my vitals and declared that I was medically sound and just needed to remain calm.  I was asked if I wanted a shot of anti-depressants.  I declined loudly.  That got me placed back in handcuffs and we were taken down to the jail. 

Thankfully we were all placed in the same jail cell, me being the last one to arrive.  Khelan stood and I went right into his arms.

"You okay?" He rubbed something from my face.  I knew I looked a hot mess in such a fabulous dress

"Yeah, I guess.  I don't like police."

"Same here, sistah."  That came from Aileen.  She and her sister had the twin's jackets on.  Khelan took his off and wrapped it around me.

No one was really talking so I sat, with Khelan, and we just held hands.  We already had a lawyer in Luce and apparently, Aileen's and Reyna's dad was kicking up a storm.  I learned from the guards, that they suspected us of stealing the vehicles we were in.

"Nope.  We not doing this," I muttered.  I let the power flow, a truth spell for the two officers that originally triggered my fear.

"This should be interesting," Khelan sat back.

"What are you talking about?" A white female officer with bleach blonde hair pulled into a pony tail.  She looked like she lived in the gym.  "Are you ready to confess?"

I sighed and sat back.  Sol was with me too and safe with Malik and Octavia and thankfully did not suffer a wound from that crazy officer.

"Hell yeah I shot at that dog!  Did you see the size of that mother fucker?  He was running away but no dog that big is tame.  That's why the cops in South Carolina killed the last one.  Get a smaller fucking dog.  I'll shoot at his ass again the next time I see him."

My mouth fell open.  That was harsh.  Other cops were agreeing but mentioning that the cameras were running.  Ah ok.  Well they would be running real good now, I thought.

"How do we know they didn't steal those cars. Them damn things are worth at least 250k each.  They are black hood rat kids going to a black college where they aren't learning shit."

- Your spell is working a little too well - Khelan said into my mind.

- I'm just getting started -

"I'm reading the information the lawyer produced.  This shit is false.  Says here that Khelan Gaston, is a wall street trader with a business deal, a lucr...lucra... a big fucking deal with the German auto company Mercedes.  They gave him the vehicles from their new line going on the market in January 2022.  Bull shit."

We listened to their back and forth for hours and the stuff they said clearly labeled them as being prejudice, the definition, and racist as one of the officers, sounded like Young, said that things would be better if white people set the standard for all people. 

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