Chapter 14

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I examined my outfit in the mirror, deciding it looked pretty good. Tonight was the Homecoming game and since I’m one of the nominees for homecoming queen, I had to dress up. I had on a white skirt paired with a jean tank top and cowboy boots.

I pulled my sash over top of my outfit. It was light pink and plain. They wanted us to wear them so people would know we were in the running.

After touching up my makeup and hair, I walked down into the kitchen to see my mom and brother standing against the counter talking.

“Honey, you look beautiful,” my mom said.

“Mom, it isn’t even the dance, I can only imagine what you are going to say tomorrow.” I walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water and took a drink. I looked at the clock above the stove and realized it was 3:45, and I have to be at the field by 4:10 at the latest.

I grabbed my keys off the counter and said goodbye to my mom and brother and walked out of the kitchen. I was about walked out of the door, when my brother stopped me.

“Caroline, I can give you a ride if you want. I was planning on being there early anyway and I figured you would probably get a ride home with one of the boys and just leave your car at the school.”

“Are you actually offering to give me a ride? You know that means we have to sit in the same car with each other the whole way to the school?”

“Yes, I know that. Now do you want a ride or not?”

“Sure, I would love one.” We walked out of the house together and over to my brother’s mustang. He has an obsession with this car. I mean it is a nice car and all, but he treats it like a human being.

I climbed in and buckled my seat belt. He pulled out of the driveway and we rode in silence, until he cleared his throat.

“Caroline, I know I haven’t been the best brother lately. I should have been there for you when you needed me, but I was to upset about dad leaving and to think about the way it made you feel. You and dad were so close and I know you are hurting just as much as I am. I am so sorry for not being there.”

I turned to face him and took a deep breath. “Jake, I know it has been hard for you and I am sorry for that. I want to believe you, but I know that deep down inside, you still think that I am the reason he left.”

He didn’t say anything for the rest of the ride. He kept his eyes on the road and stayed focus elsewhere. We pulled into the school and he parked his car. I was about to get out, when he grabbed my arm.

I turned to face him and then he said. “You don’t have to believe me, I wouldn’t either. I just want you to know that I’m voting for you, and that you better kick some cheerleader butt.”

“Thanks Jake,” and with that, I got out of the car and walked toward the football field. I found Alex and Casey sitting in the bleacher so I went and joined them. I sat down beside Alex and stared off into space.

“Caroline!” I snapped my head toward the source of the voice and saw Casey and Alex laughing. “You really seem out of it, what happened? Casey asked again. I went on to tell them about everything that happened between my brother and I on the way here.

They seemed pretty shocked that he even offered to give me a ride. I know I was too. I saw Maddy walking in the gate and stood up and waved my hands in the air. She saw me and made her way to where we were sitting. She got to us and sat on the end, beside Casey.

“Where is Nicole tonight?” I asked her.

“She isn’t feeling too good, so her and Kris decided to stay home tonight.” The band started playing the fight song and we turned our attention to the field. I watched as the cheerleader grabbed the banner and walked toward the tunnel.

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