Chapter 6

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She led Dawson through the bland concrete corridor of Mount Weather. She had no idea where she was going; at this point, she just wandered.

"Who're we looking for?" Dawson rounded the corner that veered left.

Addison swept her eyes across every passing face, "A girl. Tall, uh, dark blonde. Blue eyes."

Dawson not-so-subtle pointed across the corridor, "There's one." But Addison shook her head.

She sighed in frustration. "No, that's not her."

"Okay, well, what's she wearing?"

"Uh . . ." Addison trailed. She racked her brain to remember. She and the girl interacted only an one or two ago, but the amount of crap she had going through her head completely blinded any remembrance of the mountain girl's attire. Her cheeks puffed when's he released an aggravated breath, but then someone caught her attention. "That."

She strode toward the dark blonde-haired girl she talked to briefly in the Mess Hall, before Clarke had shown up holding one of Mount Weather's people hostage.

"You," Addison called in a not-so-friendly way. Heads turned, but she ignored them. The dark blonde stopped chatting to the pair of teens around their age, then excused herself.

Dawson's brows scrunched even more as he followed after his short brunette-haired friend; he hadn't realized Addison already met someone.

"Sup, newbie," the complete stranger to Dawson greeted, smirking. "What can I do for ya? You two lost?"

Reaching into her back pocket, Addison retrieved the map she ripped from her binder. "Keenan gave us this," she held up the paper map she'd folded into quadrants.

The girl grabbed it from Addison's fingertips. She unfolded and inspected it, then chuckled under her breath in confusion, "What's wrong with it? It's a map."

"An exit-less map," Addison elaborated.

The mountain girl studied the map further. "So it appears . . ." She then shrugged and met Addison's gaze, "What do you want me to do about it? Point out all the exits to you?"

Dawson folded his arms across his chest, "Yes," and went along with what he guessed Addison was doing. "And why. Why give us something with no exits? Are they trapping us?"

She sighed and dropped the map to her side, shifting her gaze up to Dawson, "I don't think that is President Wallace's motive. He's not the type of person to do that."

Addison snatched the map from her hand to grab the girl's attention. "Then tell us where an exit is."

"Upper levels."

Addison handed the map back, "Show us." She didn't drop the outstretched hand that held it once, and the stubborn action made the dark blonde-haired girl eventually take it from Addison's hand; after their silent showdown.

"I don't know exactly where, but if you open any of the exits up there that aren't sealed, you'll kill us all."

Addison only stared up into her blue eyes. She could care less what happened to the lives of these mountain people; she only cared about her people, returning her people to the surface, and reuniting with the rest of friends and girlfriend. Could she recklessly kill the entire Mount Weather population to for 47 lives that are hers to protect? Yes. But could she follow through with such a ludicrous plan?

Not What It Seems | Octavia Blake [2]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon