Chapter 21

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Of all the crazy that's happened over the course of thirty-something days (Liam's lost track), what happened two days ago was one of the craziest. Finn had gone off the rails, going as far as massacring 18 innocent Grounders to find Clarke.

"You didn't see him, Callie," Liam muttered. He was in his new quarters, pacing the length of the squared-room. Callie was seated on his bed, soothing the healing-gash on her left-thigh with soft rubs.

Natalie was by the entrance, arms folded. She was still processing the fact she was on Earth, among other things. "Has he always been like this?" her voice was soft, as it always is when she spoke.

"No," Callie flickered her eyes to Natalie. "Bellamy and Murphy were the ones we needed to watch; more so Murphy, but not Finn. He was one of the good ones, until Clarke was taken."

Liam was already a stressed-mess with Dawson,
Addison and the 45 other former delinquents in Mount Weather. Finn massacring Grounders added more unnecessary stress to his plate. "I don't think Bellamy would do what Finn did."

"What about Murphy? He did shoot Raven," Natalie remarked —she was brought to speed. Plus she's met him a couple times through Addison. He would always make snarky remarks, and Addison would vent to Natalie about him.

  Liam shook his head. "I heard him yelling over the gunshots at Finn to stop. He-He even admitted to trying to stop him." He then looked at his second oldest friend, "And Murphy was tortured by the Grounders. I don't think he'd risk his own life."

  A knock sounded on the doorframe of his and Callie's quarters. "Hey," Bellamy looked at the three of them before settling his gaze on Liam. "We need you at the tavern."

  Liam nodded once, said his goodbyes, and joined Bellamy's side as they walked through the corridors. "Does Clarke have a plan?"

  "I hope so. She's gonna tell us how she got out to help us find a way in."

  "Leave it to Clarke to save our people, right? She did so many times before we knew about the Mountain Men," muttered Liam, as they walked outside.

  It was a cloudy, moonless night, with fires lit around camp that's been named Camp Jaha, in honoured of former-Chancellor Jaha. Liam could care less about the former-chancellor, but his honorary act to stay behind while the ones that descended to Earth with William and Natalie  was an act Liam was most grateful for —he had them back. And Addison will soon too.

  Bellamy and Liam joined Clarke at the table she was at, three metal cups filled three-quarters of the way with moonshine and a map. "Hey," she smiled at them.

Not What It Seems | Octavia Blake [2]Where stories live. Discover now