Chapter 10

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After the realization in the corridor, she isolated herself in the Dorms until dinner finished, and her people retired back to the Dorms for the night. Not a single soul bothered her the entire day, to which she was grateful for.

Currently, the Dorms we're empty, her people dining in the Mess Hall for breakfast, she assumed, considering the hour. Nothing but the slow moving fan blades circulating oxygen sounded.

Addison felt completely numb and emotionless as she sat cross-legged on her bunk, back facing the entrance of the Dorms. Faint footsteps entering echoed. She ignored them; it wasn't uncommon for someone to occasionally come in, grab or drop something off, then disappear again —Addison merely kept her head inclined.

The energy she had disappeared the previous night, from wandering aimlessly through the accessible levels and areas of Mount Weather. She was restless.

Sometime after midnight, Addison ventured to the Mess Hall —according to one of the clocks she passed— hoping to catch Emilia; but Emilia never showed. Up until the hour came for breakfast and people began flooding in, Addison remained on the piano bench, lost in thought. She came to another realization —she genuinely hated being trapped underground. Especially knowing the surface is survivable for her, and that Octavia is somewhere up there, healing from her arrow wound, no doubt.

"This is a new look for you."

Addison barely moved an inch. She knew their voice well enough to not need to see their face to identify them. "I'm glad you're alive and all, but leave alone, Miller." There was no venom in her accented voice, only defeat.

Miller inched closer, stopping when he reached the foot of her bunk in the aisle. He perched an arm on the white metal railing, "You're gonna wanna hear this." His statement peaked Addison's interest enough for her to meet his dark eyes. "Some of us haven't seen Clarke since yesterday."

Addison's face fell. "What?" She hadn't been too overly concerned about Clarke's whereabouts until now. But if Clarke truly had been somewhere inside this bunker, surely that high-strong blonde would've noticed Addison's absence all night and tracked her down by then?

Now that Addison pondered on Clarke —she hasn't seen her friend and leader since Dante Wallace took her to see the Sergeant's body.

  "Yep." Addison uncrossed her legs and hopped off the bunk as Miller continued, "Figured you of all people noticed, considering your Clarke's—"

  "Watch it, Miller." The Addison from Solitary Confinement is back. She quickly snapped her almost threatening gaze to him, "You've got a nice nose."

  Miller scoffed softly under his breath as she passed him in the aisle. "You think I'm scared of you?"

Addison stopped in her tracks. She kept her back to him for a moment before turning sideways. She'd never seen any of the other delinquents, besides her friends, newfound sister, girlfriend and maybe even Harper (but she's not certain) not be afraid of her.

Miller's question caught her completely off guard, and he noticed.

She sighed softly, dropping the façade that's become more natural and less fake. "No, Miller," her expression softened at the realization. From the moment he spoke Octavia's name —the day Bellamy had been a royal dick and made Octavia feel so bad, she and Addison agreed to runaway, when the timing was right— Addison knew Miller was different. He spoke to her like himself, not once shying from her reputation like many others in the beginning. "That's why I like you."

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