Chapter 9

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         ^^ William Anderson

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         ^^ William Anderson

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A couple of hours later, Liam's awake and groggy. His eye-lids were heavy and his eye sight blurred from sleep. Sitting up, he brought his hands to his face and rubbed the sleep from his eyes before he tiredly dragged them down his face.

  Once Liam's bearings were somewhat claimed, his thick brows scrunched in realization —Callie's no longer in this room.

  He quickly hopped off the bed, swiped the greasy locks out of his brown eyes, and hurried out of the room. The familiar corridors brought back memories he kept buried. The corner he just turned, his father had scolded and hit him there, for befriending Dr. William Anderson's daughter in school. He was only three.

  Up ahead, he spotted William just outside the exit. Addison's father stood on Earth's charred soil from the landing, surveying the citizens that clean up the place to build what will be their new home.

  Liam approached the crooked-nosed man. "Ah, you're awake," William smiled. Liam noticed small holes in the front of his black t-shirt —that Liam remembered William wearing on the Ark as a kid— from sparks that he failed to noticed earlier. "Callie's in the tent over there with Raven," he pointed round the other side of Alpha Station. "The surgery was successful." Surgery? No one informed Liam of any surgeries. Liam's silence and unreadable expression have his confusion away. William sighed softly, "You didn't know .  .  . if I would have known, I would have told you." Liam stayed silent, to which William found odd; he never remembered Liam being one for silence. "Abby and Finn are in there too."

  In an instant, Liam barely nodded before he's walking toward the tent Raven and his friends are in. Being failed to be informed about Raven's surgery made him upset, but as long as she's alive and well, that overruled everything.

"Try it again." Liam heard Finn tell Dr. Griffin, as he approached the clear flaps.

She stood by Raven's bare feet, while Finn and Callie both stood on opposite sides; Finn on Raven's right and Callie on her left. Raven looked better, that much was obvious. She only looked worried, but not in pain, and her colour had slightly came back.

Dr. Griffin hesitated, and Finn's voice rose, "Try it again." She and Callie jumped.

"Finn," Liam called, making his presences known. Finn shoved himself away from Raven in frustration, and their eyes locked.

"Liam," Raven called softly, and he met her gaze. Liam quickly flickered his eyes to Finn before he joined Raven's side, opposite Callie, where Finn was once at.

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