Chapter 5

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"You must be Addison," someone spoke. Addison turned and met another girl's face. She looked slightly younger than the dark-haired blonde Addison previously spoke to. Blue eyes, fair-skinned, curled dark blonde hair. "I'm Keenan."

"Don't take this personally, but I don't care." Addison deadpanned. "Where are my friends?"

Keenan retracted her hand and wiped it on her pant leg. Despite Addison's rude comment and demanding tone, Keenan kept her friendly smile plastered. "They'll be here any minute. While you're waiting . . . here."

Addison stared at the black binder outstretched toward her," What is that?"

"Can you please just take it and stop asking so many questions?" Keenan was chipper. "Once your friends are here, I'll go over what it is and everything you need to know about Mount Weather."

Addison whispered sarcastically and ripped the binder from Keenan's hand that caused Keenan to jump, "Awesome."

Addison spun on her heel, slammed the binder on the nearest table, pulled a chair, and sat in it. She placed her arm on the back of it and waited. She didn't know how long she sat there, staring up and reading the flags and did an occasional swept across the Mess Hall with her eyes.


She perked up and smiled. "Monty!"

The chair she occupied scrapped against the floor, but she could care less. It's not her floor to bother with, and Monty's safe —alive. Wrapping her arms around his neck, he returned the hug just as tight.

"I was worried when you hadn't radioed back and—and then the Grounders attacked . . ." she rambled in one breath, and Monty chuckled lightly.

"Hey," he called. Addison stopped and snapped her eyes to him. Monty smiled and grabbed her shoulders, "I'm okay. They didn't hurt me."

Both of Addison's brows unconvincingly raised, "Are you sure?"

Monty nodded and reassured, "Positive."

Addison's smile graced her features again as she brought him in for another hug. She pulled back again, this time for good, "How long have you been here?"

"Few days," Monty shrugged. "You?"

"I don't know," Addison searched the Mess Hall for the hundredth time, hopeful that more of their people might've entered during her and Monty's reunion. "Their doctor said I was asleep for a couple of days."

"I'm surprised you let them examine you."

"You and me both, Monty," she sighed. "She said my body was fighting some kind of poison."

"Wait, 'poison'?" Addison nodded. She and Monty stood in the middle of the walkway that led from the Mess Hall to the elevator Clarke had disappeared on. "Like the stuff the Grounders use?"

Addison shrugged, "Maybe. I don't know. It's possible."

"What happened at the dropship?" Monty inspected her wounds, "And you?"

Not What It Seems | Octavia Blake [2]Where stories live. Discover now