Chapter 19

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  He couldn't wrap his head around any of what's happened. How he is where he is at this very moment. Less than two months ago, he was in a cell, just like Addison, just like Clarke and Octavia and Callie, Finn, Murphy and Monroe and Dawson, the nine of them awaiting their trial when they turned 18.

  Now Liam was in the midst of a second war that brewed, right after he and his friends fought one with the Grounders less than a week ago.

As he let Clarke and Bellamy handle their next move, which was to find Finn and Murphy, Liam had plopped down on a metal container that came from out the Ark, likely filled with supplies and/or someone's belongings that was wheeled out because their owner was not among the living anymore.

  A flash of red captured his attention. The very same that he swore he's seen numerous times at the dropship camp—the same he swore he'd spotted outside Raven's tent after she'd been rescued from the dropship.

  Liam slowly slid to his feet and walked inside the remains of the Ark, lips parted, brows furrowed and forehead creased. He crept further inside, shaking his head from side to side, wondering if his eyes were truly cruel enough to play such a trick on him.

  But then it wasn't a trick .  .  . he'd recognize that fiery red hair from anywhere.

  "Natalie?" he called in the corridor, unsure. The name sounded so foreign coming off his lips.

  The fiery redhead stopped and turned, pearly white teeth flashing. "Liam?" A stiff, airy chuckle escaped her lips as they met halfway, their arms tightly wrapping around each other. "You're alive .  .  ."

Liam nodded, muttering "yeah" a few times, he too squeezing Natalie tighter. He was glad to see such a familiar face in the midst of what's been happening and what's left of the Ark's people.

Moments ago, Kane had confirmed what he knew all along was true . . . his parents were on the Exodus Ship. He was saddened, but his mood was increased.

Natalie pulled away, and laid both her hands on his shoulders. She searched his brown eyes with her own, "I'm sorry about your parents, Liam." She then scanned his marked face that was healing.

He shook his head. "I-It's okay—I'm okay. Where are yours?" Her silence and slumped shoulders was all the confirmation he needed. But unlike him and Addison, Natalie allowed you to see what she wanted you to see. She could be so mentally hurt and in pain, and you would never know —she'd wear a smile on her face, telling the world her life was perfect. Liam pulled the redhead back to him, in a comforting hug, "I'm so sorry, Nat . . ."

She nodded once and let a tear drip before she sniffled, pulling away and wiping her cheeks clean. "Where's Addison? I haven't seen her."

Liam tried explaining the best he could about what's happened in the last two months and what Clarke's told he and his friends about Mount Weather and their people, but he knew no matter how much he talked, his answer wouldn't satisfy Natalie enough to ease her silent worrying. They ended up outside the remains of the Ark.

  "So, Addison is trapped inside this place called Mount Weather, which you guys didn't know was inhabited, along with more of your people?"

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