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You know what's bizarre? Standing here in the middle of the crowded airport, people passing by, leaving blurry images as they take a step forward.

Clutching my ticket, I ducked my head down. I don't want to go, but I have nothing left to be here for. Turning around slowly, I let my tears fall as I looked at the exit.

When life throws you a thousand reasons to go away, will love offer you a million reasons to stay?



When Jane left, I found myself feeling exactly what Christine felt.


So lying here in my bed, I can't help but hear Jane's last words echo in my mind.

Goodbye Christine... Carson.

I rested my head on my hands as I stared up the ceiling. When Jane left, Christine told me that the kiss was a mistake, which contradicts with what she has come to me for.

And that's friendship.

I was shocked when my words left my mouth, like I was not the one talking. Because I agreed to her, that friendship is the only thing we should have. Nothing more.

Helping myself up, I took my phone from the bedside table though it landed on the floor. Groaning, I peeked under my bed in an upside down position. Getting a hold of it, I saw something besides my phone.

There was a transparent square taped under my bed, securely placed on the wooden bed, a perfect hiding place. And since it was transparent, I could see the disc inside it. Taking the disc in my hands, curiosity gets the better of me as I saw my name perfectly written on it with a black marker.



My whole face brightened at the sight of the ice cream store! All of my negative thoughts and emotions were pulled out of my system as I saw the splendor in front of me. I know I'm being childish, but hey, I'm sucker for ice cream.

Rushing to the store, I fell in line, tapping my foot impatiently. Finally, what seemed like an eternity, it was my turn to take my order.

Beaming at the sales lady in front of me, I ordered in a cheerful tone, "A tub of chocolate chip cookie dough please!"

The lady in her late thirties gave me a warm smile as she asked "How about a water ma'am?" she smirked at me. I know that she knows I'm alone to devour my ice cream tub.

"Yeah." I giggled, "That'd be nice." I handed her the payment as she gave me my tub of ice cream and bottle of water, I sat on one of the comfy pink couch while I placed my ice cream on the coffee table in front of me. This place is adorable; too bad I won't be coming here again for awhile.

Sighing as I remembered reality, the nerve-wracking pain of life.

Prying the thoughts away, I focused on the tub of bliss in front of me. And no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to find the happiness in it anymore like I did moments ago.

And believe me when I say that that's almost impossible for me to think.

Maybe because this pain is too much for me to handle.



Placing the disc on the player, I breathed heavily. My heart anticipating what awaits me on the television screen. Hitting the play on the remote, I sat on the carpet, legs on my chest as I rested my chin on my knees, remote on my hand.

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