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"Here you go hottie." Max smirked at me as he handed me a tequila.

I rolled my eyes at him as I downed the shot.

"Get me another one." I handed back the shot glass, not bothering to look at him.

"Whoa, easy now." he chuckled without humor; I scowled at him, still looking blankly at the dancing light before me. The bar is throbbing with the loud music as herd of people gets wild on the dance floor. Sweat and alcohol surrounded the air. Typical bar.

I didn't notice Max get another drink from the bartender behind me, yet there was our shots on the bar counter. Sitting back on the stool, Max by my side, I took another shot; grimacing slightly as the liquid burned in my throat. This was strong.

"Why?" I looked at Max and gave him a confused look. Seeing the confusion in my face, he expounds, "Why do you want to get drunk?"

"I didn't say I want to." That was a half-lie, I took another shot and placed the shot glass back on the counter, Max did the same.

When Max gave me the look, I sighed and ran my hand to my long, wavy brunette hair. "I just need it... To have some guts, even for just one night." I said, not hiding the pain to be obvious in my face. I looked at his pale blue eyes and gestured to Carson and Christine just by the couch not far away from us.

"Yup." he said, popping the 'p'.


"I mean, yes, it's time to grow some balls." he scrunched up his nose, "It's not like you have any... I mean balls. And guts. Well, you know what I mean." he idiotically explained and downed another shot. I shook my head in amusement and gulped my own shot.

"Too late now." I said.

"Nah, he loves you."

"I'm not sure about that now." I half-whispered.

"Trust him." he said knowingly.

"I do. But not the new him... I can't trust him to love me again. This is my entire fault..." I downed another shot, then another.

"Hey Max!" Mason suddenly called; I didn't bother to look up at him as I grip tightly the small shot glass, stopping the unshed tears from falling. I won't let it flow; we're supposed to celebrate tonight. To have fun and relax.

"J!" Quinn and Carly called to me as the three of them dragged Max and me down from the stool. Not being able to protest, I grabbed the shot and downed it as Quinn pulled me to the dance hall. I placed the shot glass to the tray that a waiter was holding as he passed me by right on time.

Quinn let go of my hand when we were in the dance hall. That's when the alcohol hit my system as I danced wildly to the upbeat music I don't even know. I danced with my friends happily; Max, Mason, Quinn, Carly and I danced hungrily like it was our last chance to do so. And I kept looking away from Carson and Christine's intense dance.

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