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Kim rolled her eyes at me, crossing her arms on her chest, I mimicked her movement unintentionally. "I don't even understand why everybody loves you." she spat.

"Maybe it's because I’m actually human." I stated.


"Oh, and I’m not?"

"Goodness no. No human can possess the same amount of sluttiness that you have. I mean, really now, I kept wondering where you get the money to buy the world's supply of contraceptives. I figured, since you are cheap, your customers are not obliged to pay you more than 10 dollars. Right, skank?" I insulted. Geez, she could be a bitch to everyone but she could never cross me.

"You did not just say that!" She glared at me.

I shrugged at her, "Well, you heard me, sweetie. I just did."

"Listen, pet. You don't belong here!" she pointed at me and I shoved her little hand away.

"You're the one who called me to come here, slut. And I’m pretty certain that bimbos like you don't belong here either." I said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Her eyes turned into a bloody glare and she furrow her eyebrows at me as her whole body tensed up.

"Listen bitc--" she begun but I cut her off.

"No, you listen to me ho. Why don't you just run along, fuck your old men, and leave me alone. I have had it enough with shit like you. And I’m sure everyone else has too. Not because you have the world's supply of push up bras in your closet, doesn't mean you are superior to all of us here. Because frankly, it just proves how fake you really are." I smirked.

"Fake? How dare you have the audacity to call me fake you good for nothing witch!!" she gasped at me.

"Ask your poor nose job, bimbo." I rolled my eyes at her and turned to leave but what she said next made me stop in my tracks.

“You only say that because you’re alone.” I stopped walking but didn’t turned around to face her as she continued, “You’re just sad and in misery and you envy me. You envy me because I have a family and I don’t have to make my boyfriend remember me.” She said simply and I heard her footsteps fade.

She may be right. I may be lonely and alone. I may have a broken family and I may have a boyfriend that doesn’t remember me. But I will not lot her words get into me. I will not let anyone step on me just because they use the facts against me and slap it hard in my face.

I sighed and went to the locker room, placing my dancing bag in the locker; I went straight to Tina’s office. Giving her door a soft knock, I hear her mutter “Come in.” from the other side.

I plastered a smile on my face and went inside, “Hey, you wanted to see me?”

“Oh Jane, yes, I did. Seat.” She smiled back and gestured to the seat in front of her desk. “I just wanted to let you know that the competition is a month away.”

“Yeah, I’m aware of that.” I trailed off, a little bit confuse on why she called me over to talk about this.

“But you’re not aware of the solo number the best dancer should present for the competition. Besides the usual group number, there would be a solo and it’ll affect our scores from the judges..” She smiled at me then continued, “In normal circumstances, I would automatically choose you to represent our team for that number. However, it would seem unfair if I choose you in a snap without looking at the records of the other members…”

I don’t know where this is going but I feel the excitement get through me at the thought of doing a solo in front of everyone, to represent our team.

“When you left, Kim showed remarkable talent.” I almost scowled at her. Kim? She can’t be serious?

“Yeah, so… where is this going?” I asked, really confused now.

“We’re going to do a little show down for the both of you. To see who’s better and who deserves to represent our team in that number. That seems fair enough to me.” She smiled at me, “Are you ready for that?”

“You know I am.” I smirked at her; I’m going to show this Kim who’s the best.

“Very well, you may go to practice.” She smiled at me and I stood up, muttering thanks.

I was about to turn the door’s knob when I asked, “Tina?”


“When is this showdown?” I asked.

“In a week.” Then I left and closed the door behind me.

In two weeks, the dancing slut will cry a river in her bed of condoms. Because I will definitely win this.


AN: Thank you to asdfghjkLIANAAA for helping me with those bitchy lines. >:D<

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