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My life changed in a blink of an eye. Everything that I’ve worked hard to keep came crashing down on my feet.

            I’m lost. I’m really, truly lost this time. I couldn’t grasp any answer to even one question that continues to huddle in the back of my mind. How could I? I couldn’t even answer his question.

            “Who am I?”

            The sound of his sweet husky voice echoed through my mind. He stared blankly at me with his eyes I love the most, now filled with confusion and doubt. And it made my heart break even more if that’s even possible. My skin is aching for his touch, for his comforting embrace and for his tender lips against mine.

            My hand was still in a fist after hearing his question and I didn’t even realized that my tears were making its way down my cheeks as I let out an uncontrollable sob. That pair of grey eyes that has been staring at me with confusion awhile ago was now staring at me with concern. It made my heart ache knowing that his concern was not out of love. And I know I had to be out of his sight before I lose every control I have.

            “I’ll go get a nurse.” I croaked, half-whispering and I thought he hadn’t heard me clearly but he gave me a polite nod. As I was about to turn around and reach for the door, he stopped me by his voice that was so familiar in my ears. “Hey.”


            “Will you…” He lowered his head as if embarrassed about continuing his question. Once his gray eyes met my hazel eyes once again, I gave him a soft smile. “Will you come back for me?”

            My eyes widened in shock and controlled back a sob, “Do you want me to?” I asked, trying to hide the eagerness in my voice.

            “Yes.” He answered, his eyes never leaving mine.

            “Then I will.” I smiled warmly at him as I waved goodbye and head out to the doors. Closing the door behind me, I let out a breath that I didn’t realize I was holding the whole time. I slid down the wall I was leaning on to and broke down to fits of tears. I didn’t care that people were giving me odd looks as they passed me by, or the nurse asking me if everything was alright.

            I just want to sit in this cold floor, not caring if I’m in a crowded hospital hallway with strangers passing by. I didn’t care that I’m howling in tears and looking wasted. I just want to cry and cry until there’s no more tears left for me to shed.

            And right now, that appeals so much because one thought continues to linger in my mind.

            This is not the end of anything, of everything. This is only the beginning.

            Ah, hell.

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