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“Jane!” a familiar voice called from behind. Turning around, I didn’t expect to see my former dance coach, Tina, half-jogging towards me. Her auburn hair and her naturally tanned skin glisten in the sun’s ray. “Oh, hey Tina.” I approached her, smiling.

            “I’ve wanted to see you for a long time. But I couldn’t get a hold of you though.”

            “Oh? Why, what’s up?” I asked curiously.

            “Well, I’ve been wondering if you want to go back to dancing.” She inhaled sharply, “You’re my best dancer and choreographer. And to be honest, without you, our team has no chance of winning at the dance competition at the end of the year.”

            “But Tina… I…” I tried to get my tongue roll some words out, yet I don’t know what to say. I want to go back to dancing, but is it the time to do so?

            Tina spoke, saving me from saying anything, “I know. I just wanted to tell you that if you ever want to come back, the studio is open for you. Think about it, okay? You know the schedules.” She gave me an assuring smile and before I could say anything, she waved goodbye and started walking off.


            “I was wondering if I could work for only 6 hours from now on.” I said nervously to my boss. He gave me a stern look; I thought he was going to give me a flat out no, that’s why when he spoke up, I was shocked.

            “I don’t even know why you asked me to give you 10 hours of shift a day!” he threw his hands in the air to show his annoyance and I giggled. Yeah, I was crazy to work at this coffee shop for 10 hours a day.

            “You can have your 6 hours shift starting today.” He smiled genuinely at me, “Now go back to work before I changed my mind!” he mocked a serious look and I mumbled okay to him, setting back to work.

            After 6 hours of shift, I was pretty excited to go back to the Dancers Anonymous Studio. But I now I have to move my ass, I only have an hour to get ready. I run back to my house for fifteen minutes, I was panting so hard. Yeah, I suck for not having a car but hey! I’m working for it. Getting a shower that took me 10 minutes and getting ready and looking presentable which caused me another 10 minutes, I knew I was late. Taking my dance bag while I stuffed some things there while skipping down the stairs, I walk out to my front door and slammed it shut. Trying to zip my bag while I was practically running at the same time, I bumped into someone, making me fall hard on my butt.

            “Ow!” I screamed as I stumbled down, trying to get my things back into my bag, I snapped at the person who bumped into me, not bothering to look on who it was, “Hey idiot! You’re walking landslide! Watch where you’re going or I’ll chop your head off and make a dwarf eats it for supper!” I said as I stood up and I turned beet red when I saw who bumped into me.

            “That’s pretty original.” He chuckled at me and I groaned mentally for my rudeness.

            “Carson… hey, sorry, didn’t know it was you.” I smiled awkwardly at him as I tried to fix my hair that was probably sticking up.

            “Yeah, I figured.” He smirked at me, boy; he looks so handsome with his black jeans and plain white shirt that hugs his every muscle.

            “So, um… what’s up?” I asked awkwardly.

            “Well, I wanted to call you… but seeming that I don’t have your number, I went here to ask if you want to hang out. I’m pretty bored at home. And I’m really not that close with Max and Mason despite the fact we were used to be best buds.” He shrugged and my eyes practically widened when I remember I must be heading off.

            “Sorry! But I have to head off to the dance studio. I really want to accompany you tonight but I…” I rambled and he cut me off.

            “No worries but…” he looked a little bit nervous but continued, “can I come with you?”

            I gulp and answered, “Yeah sure.” And I can’t help but smile softly as he beamed at me.


            Arriving at the dance studio was quite a scene. Well despite the fact that I wasn’t here for six months and that I’m late, and that I’m hated because some thinks that I’m Tina’s pet… and well, let’s just state that I also entered the dance studio beside a very hot guy.

            Earning a few glares while others beamed while engulfing me in a hug; Quinn and Carly were there as well, Carson sat on a bench near the door and I saw Tina hovering in the crowd. “Jane! I’m so glad you’re here.” She waved at me to come near and I did, she leaned into me and whispered, “Show me if you’re still that good.” She challenged and I completely unzipped my jacket, removing it and tossing it to the side together with my dance bag. This only left me with my black sports bra, my black Capri and my dancing shoes. I faced the full-length mirror, the hardwood making a noise while I moved. I ignored Carson’s intent gaze, Quinn and Carly’s excited beams, some lust-filled eyes guys and a few other glares as Bang by KP blasted in the speaker.

            I gave my all to this number. Panting heavily when the chorus ended and I was praised with a loud applause. “You’re still that great, Jane.” Tina complimented as she got near me. “Good job.”

            After a few dance numbers with the other members, I quickly retreated off to the locker room to get a nice cold shower when a voice stopped me and made me hide in a corner.

            “Hey sexy…” the girl flirted in a sexy voice that made me gag. “Wanna get all hot?” I could feel her batting her eyelashes at this guy who she was trying to seduce. Peeking, my mouth went wide open at the sight of Carson, only a few inches away from Kim, the slut that always wants to get things her way. Quinn, Carly and I call her the dancing slut. It suits her perfectly you know, she’s actually a great dancer. But she always put it overboard and tries to make her moves dirty. Clenching my fist to my side, I wanted to yank Kim’s hands away from Carson and punch Carson for just standing there and looking at her.

            “I know you want me as well…” she whispered in his ear but loud enough for me to hear. I saw Carson gulp. Oh god, please don’t tell me he was turned on by that slut.

            Kim pulled a little away from Carson, but not far away. I was glued to my spot, not knowing what to do when all of a sudden; Kim slammed her lips into Carson’s lips hungrily, turning into more than just a peck.

            I wanted to look away, yet I couldn’t. It hurts like a bitch. But Kim kissing Carson was not painful. What hurts me is the sight of Carson kissing her back!

            Not knowing what to do, my gaze fell onto the fire alarm. Without thinking, I pushed the button, the alarm echoing through the whole studio and the fire water sprinkler system released water, soaking Kim and Carson, as well as me. Kim yanked away from Carson with an irritated groan.

            And me? I ran away crying, soaking and hurting.


AN: Bang by KP off to the side ;)

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