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Poppin’, grindin’ and snaking my body to the music.

Yeah boy, you like that I can tell that you like that

Yeah boy, you love it when my booty goes

Boom, ba-ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom, boom

Letting lose as “Drop it low” by Ester Dean echoes in the dance studio, letting my body sway with the music.

            C-walk, Harlem shake and rock away, popping more combos as the chorus came up.

Drop it; drop it low, girl (Move that ass around)

Drop it; drop it low, girl (Move that ass around)

Drop it; drop it low, girl (Move that ass around)

Drop it; drop it low, girl (Move that ass around)

            After the music came to an end, I sat on the hardwood flooring, panting hardly as I try to catch my breath. The stickiness of my sweat engulfs me but it felt so good on my skin.

            “Good job Jane. You seem to be in a perfect condition than anyone else.” My coach, Tina, smiled at me as she handed me a bottle of water.

            “Thanks.” I beamed proudly at my two best friends sitting by the bench as I approach them.

            “That was really good Jane.” Quinn, my blonde best friend complimented as I sat beside her. Her long blonde hair was tied in a high ponytail and her blue eyes looks darker. I noticed when she dances, it’s like her eyes goes icy.

            “Yeah, you’re in a pretty good shape.” Carly said enthusiastically at me. Her black shoulder-length hair and naturally tanned skin makes her absolutely gorgeous.

            When our ten-minute break was over, we started practicing our group routine with so much energy.

            After practice, I was so beat that I spent a long time taking a shower at the studio’s locker room. By 6pm, I know it was time to push my lazy butt up and go to football practice to pick up Carson.

            At past 6pm, I was at the Charleston Hawk High School’s parking lot. Hopping out and literally dragging my body to the football court to see my boyfriend kicking ass at the football field.

            I just got to the field when I saw Carson’s team scoring touchdown. Cupping my hands around my mouth, I screamed, “WHHHOOOOO!” I cheered from afar but loud enough to gain everyone’s attention. Carson winked at me and blew me a kiss as he went back to the game.

            I watched as Carson, with the number 17 on his football uniform, was rocking the game together with his close buds. I was enjoying myself despite the fact that I didn’t understand much about the game.

A couple of minutes later, Carson told me that they’ll be heading off to get some shower.

As the team went to their locker room, boredom strikes and I felt my eyelids getting heavy. I was whisked away into oblivion as I dreamed of hardwood flooring, shower and a football.



            I only made a quick shower this time than my usual long bath after a football practice. Jane seemed tired when she arrived and I don’t want her to keep waiting any longer. So I finished taking a shower in only five minutes and changed into new clean clothes.

            Waving goodbye to my teammates, I took my bag and went out of the locker room.

            I half-jogged to Jane and noticed she fell asleep. I carried her gently, bridal style, while my bag hangs on my shoulder. She snuggled closer to my chest and couldn’t help but smile softly at the sight of her sleeping peacefully.

            I stared at her for a moment, breathing in her every feature. Some of her hair strands was covering her face yet I could still see her long dark eyelashes that I truly love. Her thin pinkish lips were parted slightly as she mumbles something under her breath.

            Whilst I enjoy the moment, I carefully took her to my car as I slipped her inside the passenger seat and securing her with the seat belt. I made my way to my side and started the engine, droving back to her house.



            I felt warm, comfortable body carry me bridal style. But I was too tired to see who it was. I tried to ask instead, but I couldn’t mumble anything, my eyelids felt so heavy.

 I felt the warmth leave my body as I was seated securely somewhere, then I heard a roar of an engine.

            What seemed like forever, I heard the engine quiet down as I was once again carried by a warm, comfortable body. I can’t help but smile by the way I adore this gesture.

            I felt myself get tucked in bed. I was once getting whisked away into oblivion and the last thing I could remember was a sweet husky voice murmured to my ear, “I love you”.

            Then I slipped into darkness, smiling.

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