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AN: Dedicated to KianaBernardo for supporting my story all the way. Loveyoooouuuu vamp. <3



I must admit, even though my mind is jumbled up and my world seemed to be on slow motion ever since I woke up, I was having a really great time than I expected. At first, I was reluctant to come here when James asked me to join. I agreed to come though; I think I owe them that much for putting them on a rough time. I may not remember anything about my family, but I could easily see the concern they have for me.

Lost in thoughts, I gulp another drink of my first and last bottle of alcohol for the night. I know that the main purpose for this party is to let loose. But I doubt I could do that now, next time perhaps. I’m not that comfortable around with my ‘old’ friends that I obviously can’t remember anything about.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I glanced around for familiar faces. Spotting Jane across from my whereabouts, I thought of going over her, yet my thoughts pulled me back to it.


There's something about her that makes me feel safe, that I could trust her with anything and everything. In the back of my mind, something was trying to make its way to the front, like it was something big that I need to know about. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't remember even just a few seconds from my forgotten memory.

Dragging my feet somewhere else rather than to stay on my spot in a company of a tree, I made my way to the wild crowd.

"Carson!" someone called from behind. Stopping, I turned to see who it was and I saw James, Max, Mason, Quinn and Carly making their way to me. "Hey." I greeted with a small smile when they've finally reached me.

"Have you seen Jane?" Carly asked, worry creasing her forehead.

Furrowing my eyebrows, for confusion or concern, I have no idea. "Yeah, she was right there just awhile ago." I pointed to the spot where I saw her and they all glanced at the direction I was pointing, they all sighed.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Quinn spoke this time, "Some of the girls from my AP class said she was really drunk." she shrugged, "Its actually unusual. Yeah, she gets tipsy on parties like this, but never drunk."

"Let's go find her then."

I suggest automatically and they all stared back to me. "What?" I raised my eyebrow at them, obviously annoyed. Dropping their stares, James shrugged and said, "Let's go then, before she do something stupid." He said as he rolled his eyes.

A few minutes later, we asked almost everyone around if they'd seen Jane. But no such luck. Sighing, Mason spoke up, "You know what, let's just split up. Quinn and Carly, you drive over to her house and see if she's there already. Give us a call right away." Both of them nodded and quickly waved goodbye to us.

"Okay," Mason continued, "Max and I are going to look for her in the woods." We all nodded in response.

"Let's meet back here in 30 minutes, k? Carson and I would head to the lake." We said our goodbye as James and I went to the lake, not bothering to talk.

Yeah, I was pretty worried about Jane. These past few weeks that I was in the hospital, she was always there but we haven’t practically seen each other in a week ever since I got discharged. She always went to visit me and brought me breakfast. We talk a lot and I felt comfortable around her. Yet I couldn't say the same about her. There was those moment when she suddenly gets awkward and make an excuse to leave. I don't know why but when she turns to leave, I wanted to ask her if she'll come back again. Not that I had the courage to though.

I just wanted her to be around, not in a romantic way, but she was like a best friend to me. Besides, that's what she said. Waking up beside her without a memory was really something though; it made me want to be in her warm presence.



Oooh finally! A parlor for me! I quickly run towards it, giggling like a school girl. This is amazing! They have a new shampoo area to wash delicate hairs! Beaming, I lied down, ready for shampoo and conditioning. Frowning slightly, I wondered why it was grassy, making my body itch a little bit. Yet I banished the thought as my hair made contact to the water.

"Ah! I'm the queen of the world!" I giggled loudly as a voiced boom all of a sudden, "Jane!" that familiar voice called.

Sitting up, my veeerryy long wet hair landed in my back, damping my clothes.

"Hey Jack!" I smiled then pouted, "I'm not Jane, I'm Rose." I said rolling my eyes, stupid boy.



I scowled; Jane was lying on the grass by the lake. Her hair floating on the water as she giggled and shouted, "I'm the queen of the world!" I can't help but smile at her weirdness.

"Jane!" James called out to her as we half jog, stopping in front of her.

She sat down, her damp hair falling on her back, smiling as she said to James, "Hey Jack!" then her lips fell on a pout, "I'm not Jane, I'm rose." she rolled her eyes and stood up, muttering something about boys being stupid.

She went to us and kissed us on the cheek; I blushed and stared at her in shock.

"Oh God! I wanna marry you guys!" She said in a sing song voice and danced around us; both James and I stared at her.

Jane continued to giggle but stopped dancing and stared at the night sky, "HARRY POTTER!" she shouted so loud, startling us. "Oh my! I saw him riding the hippogriff!" She jumped up and down idiotically.

James and I stared at each other and chuckled lightly. "He's coming down! Look! The hippogriff's feet are touching the shampoo area!" She runs towards the 'shampoo area' or the lake whatever. And before we could digest what she was about to do, she jumped in the water.

Her giggles died and were replaced by the sound of her chocking.

I wanted to run and jump into the lake to save her, but James went there before I could even start running. And when he did, the world seems to go into a slow motion. I stared at James' back, both of my fist clenched to my side as I watched him play knight in shining armor.

I didn’t know where the anger for my so-called brother was coming from but damn, it was boiling my blood. Then my nerves seemed to pop when he wrapped his arms around Jane, saving the damsel in distress.

Jane giggled as she looked at James with a goofy grin, muttering, “My hero."

Then Jane wrapped her arms around James’ neck, and then she suddenly slammed her thin lips to James' lips.


AN: I’M EATING GUMMY BEARS!!! :’’’’> Yup, you had to know that. =)) So here it is guys. I’ll do my best to update again later, but no promises! Fan, vote, comment. ;) <3

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