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I opened the door and saw Max and Mason’s family on our front porch, smiles plastered on their face as they carry different kinds of foods and drinks at their hand, “Happy New Year!” they muttered to me as I step aside, holding the door wide open for them, letting them come inside. They all gave me a brief, sweet hug before setting off to join everyone at the living room. Steve, Quinn’s dad has already begun singing an old song. I smiled at Max’s dad, Henry and her mom, Lily. I pecked Cassandra on the cheek, her younger sister, the same age as Chase. I also gave a warm smile to Jules and Mia, Mason’s parents. I turned to Kyle and ruffled his hair while he groaned at me, he’s Mason’s 14 year old brother.

            Sighing deeply, I went out to the back porch, sitting on the grass; I looked up at the night sky. The stars are only few tonight, but you won’t even notice because fireworks every now and then would appear at the sky, lightening the night.



            As soon as Jane went to get the door, I quickly stood up and shrugged with annoyance at the stares of everyone that were giving to us. They quickly snapped their gaze out of me and I went to the restroom.

            What the hell was that about?

            I don’t even know why Jane and I looked at each other when she was singing. It was like a magnet, making me attract to her hazel eyes. I was pulled into oblivion when she sang, I didn’t even realize that people were staring at us until the song ended, whisking me back to my surroundings.

            And what confuses me even more is that when we were staring at each other, it was like something was missing and that I couldn’t identify what was. Then when it all ended and the moment was over, I was… disappointed. Shaking my head in confusion, I lock the door and her voice echoed through my ears, it was such a wonderful voice. It was… splendor in my ears.

            Then a throbbing, unbearable pain made me gasp as I held my head in both hands, trying to yank the pain out of my head; it was too painful.

            I was shocked, confused; I wanted to let out an agonizing scream but all that came out from my mouth was silence. I fell on my knees as I continue to hold my head with both hands tightly. Whilst the pain, vivid images came flashing to my mind; making it more painful. Trying to concentrate on what’s appearing on the back of my mind, all I could see is a blurry image.

            They were all from different places, different scenario. Like a slideshow that only lasted for a second for each images that would appear.

            But they all show one girl. A girl that her face I could not decipher no matter how hard I try to see, yet the anguish that I’m feeling continue; making it harder to see clearly on who that girl is behind that blurry barrier.

            As quickly as the pain and memories came, they were gone just like that. Leaving me breathing heavily and sweat was rolling down on my face. I leaned down on the wall, not minding that I was seating on a restroom floor. I was too tired.

            I’m left worried on who that girl is. She seems special and important to me.

            Call me delusional, but it seem that not only memories were given to me, feelings as well. It’s definitely strong enough that I have to know who that girl is.

            Call me crazy, but I know I love that girl more than anything.



            I sat there and ignored the others as they made their way here as well, setting up our fireworks. I checked the time on my wrist watch and saw that the countdown for 2013 is getting nearer. The kids were running around while my friends that I could consider now as pigs were wolfing down on the feast before them. I felt someone sit beside me on the grass and saw James look nervously at me.

            “Hey.” he half-whispered at me and I have to fight back the urge to roll my eyes at him.

            “It’s okay James, no need to act all ‘she’s mad at me and I have to be nice so she won’t eat me.’” I told him in a sarcastic tone, not giving him a glance. He chuckled at me and stood up. This time, I looked at him as he gave me a sheepish smile.

            “Come on.” He said as he reached his hand out for me.

            “Where to?” I asked in a bored tone. I’m really not interested going anywhere right now.

            “Nowhere.” He shrugged and I stood up, patting my pants to remove the dirt, ignoring his offered hand and he took it back with a frustrated sigh.

            We walked in a comfortable silence until we were out of sight from everyone, but not too far, they were still on earshot.

            We stopped walking and just stood up, both of us staring at the fireworks display… “Jane… I… well…” he stuttered and I stared at him, raising an eyebrow. “What?”

            He stepped forward, making me scrunch my nose at him and furrow my eyebrows. James leaned in to me closely, too close for my liking. I wanted to take a step back, but I was frozen on my spot. When all of a sudden, he kissed me. My eyes widened in shock and instincts took over, I shoved his chest away and slapped him hard on his cheek.

            “Jane… I…” he tried to get close again I held my hands out in front of him, halting him from taking another step to me. I could hear the countdown now.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6…

“Don’t you ever touch me.” I spat at him, turning to leave.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1…

            “I love you…” he half-whispered, making me stop from taking another step; I thought I heard him wrong with all of the blasting fireworks. “I love you.” He said again, clearer this time.

            And I turned to leave.


AN: Few more minutes til 2013... HAPPY NEW YEAAAAAAAARRRR!!!

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