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            “Carson…” I whispered, more to myself than to him.

            I can’t believe he did this for me.

            I was standing at the other end of a lake pier. On the other side, I could see a round table for two, designed extravagantly. You could see the candlelight glowing even from affair, beside it was beautiful roses of different colors.

            I walked slowly down the pier; both side of it was designed with so many lights. Even the trees have colorful lights hanging from its leaves. At the bottom of the pier, you could see a tiny boat floating by the lake, also designed with lights around it. The sea glowed with the lights around it, you could even see a glimpse of the mountains from afar. The view was just so breath taking.

            And when I thought everything was perfect, I saw the most special person in the world, smiling right at me.

            Not able to control myself, instead of walking, I ran towards him, engulfing him in a very tight hug.

            “Do you like it?” I could feel him smiling; I still wouldn’t let him go.

            “I love it.” I half-whispered, I reluctantly pulled away from the hug to stare at his deep gray eyes, full of love and adoration. “I love you.” I know that when he stares right back at me, he’ll see the same love and adoration that I could see through his eyes.


            “I’m so full! I want to eat, eat all of this! But my stupid stomach won’t let me!” I whined like a spoiled brat.

            “We could save it for later you know.” Carson suggested, but I knew better that he was trying to hold back his laughter.

            We just sat there, enjoying the company of each other, talking about anything that pops into our head. It was such a perfect night, a perfect way to welcome our second anniversary together.

            “Jane, I wanted to give you something.” I watched as he took something from his breast pocket.

            Believe me when I say that I thought I had a mini heart attack!

            “Er… Um… I…” I stuttered. “That’s not an… an…?”

            He looked at me with confusion in his eyes then in a split second, his eyes showed realization. “No Jane. As much as I want to propose to you right here, right now… I can’t do that yet.” He smiled softly and I breathed out a sigh of relief.

            I stared at the black box that’s shaped like a heart. When I took it from his hands, I noticed a letter J engraved above it.

            “What’s in it?” I smiled, not tearing my eyes away from the box.

            “It’s a promise ring. It’s just stupid that we’ve been together for almost two years and I haven’t thought of giving you that.” He took my hand in his while his other hand took the black box from me.

            He opened the box and revealed a silver ring with an infinite sign. A couple of Swarovski crystals were on the sign, glistening with every movement. There was something engraved in a perfect cursive writing inside the ring.

Ne jamais laisserdisparaître.

I looked at Carson with utter confusion. “What does that mean?”

“It means ‘Never let it disappear’.” He smiled fondly at me. “Never let our love, our memories disappear. Never let anyone or anything keep us apart. You are mine, just like I am yours. I promise you are the only girl that I’ll ever love. And I won’t do anything to destroy what we’ve got. Fate chose us to be together, I won’t let life ruin that.”

My sight got blur by my tears. “I don’t know what to say.” I finally said.

“You don’t have to say anything.” Carson murmured to me as he slips the ring into my ring finger. “I love you, Jane.”

“I love you too, Carson.” And he leaned to give me a long passionate kiss.


AN: The promise ring off to the side <3

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