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I snapped out of drowsiness as Carson pulled the Ferrari to a stop in front of our house. Outside, the sun was shining so bright yet there aren’t much people on the street. I looked at the car’s clock and stopped myself from groaning out loud. It’s already 7 in the morning; I can’t believe we slept in that boat ‘accidentally’.

            “Yeah, I can’t believe we squished in there the whole night.”  I winced in my seat, startled.

            “Did I actually say that out loud?” I asked disbelievingly as the amusement in Carson’s eyes answered my question. This time, I didn’t stop myself from suppressing a groan.

            “Ok now, we both need a goodnight sleep in our own bed and not in some old, dirty wood while floating on water. As much as I love you, I’ll choose sleeping over you right now.” He finished before his yawn overtook his mouth.

            “Ow.” I touched my heart with my hand, mocking pain. “You’re right. Well, thank you so much Carson, for everything. Drive safely, alright?”  I said as I pecked him on the lips. He nodded at me.

            I opened the door and before I could get out, “I love you, J. Happy 2nd anniversary.” He smiled dearly at me and I couldn’t help but smile back despite that my eyelids felt so heavy.

“I love you too. Talk to you later, ok?” I answered as I hop off the car and slammed the door shut. I waved goodbye at him as he revved the engine. I waited until his Ferrari was out of sight down the road until I made my way inside my house.

I tip-toed my way inside the house, heading straight to the fridge to find something to pig out. Boy, I’m starving. No matter how I felt so sleepy, I can’t ignore my stomach’s rumble. Shoving my head inside the fridge like an idiot, I grabbed the strawberry yogurt; I almost fell on my butt when I saw my mom behind me.

Closing the fridge, I turned to glare at her, “Geez, you come home after two weeks and this is how you greet your favorite daughter?” I shook my head in disgust as I sat in the kitchen counter.

Annalisa, my mother, has dark brown shoulder-length hair. She has deep brown eyes and long eyelashes, cream complexion and small body build. I almost look like her. I don’t hate her if that’s what you think; I’m just in a really sour mood.

Not bothering to answer my snide comment, she tossed a white envelope in front of me, landing in the kitchen counter with a thud. Without a word at me, she waltzed away from the kitchen and headed to the living room. I heard the television came up and I eyed the envelope curiously.

Setting aside my untouched yogurt, I opened the sealed envelope. Taking out its content, I sat there surprised.

Four plane tickets to Colorado, most likely for my mom, Chase, my older sister and I.  But Colorado’s like, miles and miles and miles away from here! I don’t know if its vacation or what, but I have this eerie feeling in my gut, hinting me that this is not good.

Hopping off the kitchen counter, I half-jogged into the living room to question my mom on what the hell is happening. I may be overreacting for nothing, “Mom!”

“Oh I see you’ve opened the envelope. We’re leaving in two days. So I suggest you start packing all of your stuff unless you want to leave empty-handed.” She said with one glance at me and in a tone like it’s the most normal thing in the world.

“What are you talking about? What do you mean we’re leaving for Colorado?” I almost half-screamed at my mother.

“We’re going to live there from now on. My boss offered me a nice position in the company, call it a promotion. In addition to that, I’d finally be able to spend time with my family. Not like my usual job on which I have to travel from one place to another. We can finally be together.” This time, her brown eyes stared into my hazel ones.

“But I don’t want to leave…” I didn’t recognize my voice when I spoke; my mom stood up and brushed away the tear in my cheek that I didn’t realize was there.

“It’s really your choice honey. But please come. I want us to be a family again, the way we used to be before your father died two years ago. Please give me a chance to be the mother you’ve lost.”

I want to scream at her, scream to her that she’s being selfish.

But I want my family back, I was dreading it the moment our father died and our mother had to work for living for us to survive. And I know I couldn’t neglect her request. I simply nodded, not trusting my voice to answer and scared that before I could agree; I’d run and hide in my bedroom forever.

“Thank you, Jane. I promise you we’d be a family again.”

This time, I spoke, “I want to rest.” I walked into my room, not hungry anymore, locking the door behind me as I lay on my bed, not bothering to change my clothes.

The last thing on my mind, or better yet person, was Carson.

What would happen to us?

Before I could contemplate on my thoughts, I got lost in oblivion as I dreamt of sky lanterns, an airplane and tears.

Buckets and buckets of tears, all caused by pain.

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