Luca leaned forward and put his elbows on his legs, holding his phone with one hand much like the position Dante was in earlier. Mattia was just staring at me, his gaze like fire stinging my entire body, I shifted uncomfortably as I looked back at the door. Should I just make a run for it?

"Don't Isabella," Mattia's sudden voice rang out, reading my mind about what I was exactly thinking.

"Mattia this is their family member, they deserve to know. What happens if he doesn't make it, what if they will never be able to say goodbye," I sudden wave of sadness flashed over me and I had to swallow back the lump in my throat. I know how it felt to not be able to say goodbye, good think for me if the person is now very much alive but I still had to live with the guilt for a decent amount of time.

"He's going to be fine, he's with some of the best doctors around," Luca reassured, looking up from his phone for a moment. Now Mattia stopped looking at me, instead taking out his phone and quickly texting into it, before I even thought out the idea I sprung out of my seat sprinting to the door where it quickly opened when I twisted the nob.

The lighting was dim inside the long hallway, with door scattered along both sides. I didn't get far before I was pulled back, someone arm wrapped tightly around my waist.

"Help!" I yelled, just as I turned my head to look back at the person.

"Bella I told you not to do it," Mattia voice gritted out, practically having venom dripping from it. He brought me down the hall, the opposite side of where I entered from to another door this one leading outside to where a black van was parked. He released his hand from my mouth and pushed opened the door, as well as pushing me inside.

"Mattia what are you doing?" Tears were welling up in my eyes looks at my once favorite brother, he looked at me sadly before turning around heading straight back into the building, Luca was holding the door for him and followed him in right behind him.

I looked around the car, seeing no one in the passengers seat the second row had a lady in it, the lady from the bathroom and from the event some time ago.

"Hello Bella," She tilted her head at me, her voice was soft, kind almost, "I'm here to explain a few thing to you, you can call me Scarlet." I chose not to respond for now at lease wanted her to finish everything she felt the need to say before I started bombarding her with more questions.

"Maybe we did know that was going to happen to Dante, but it won't kill him, it not very strong it'll just make him sick for a few hours, maybe. We needed to do it for everyone, we need them to all be sick enough so they can't focus on work and we can go through with our plan, the plan that they wouldn't listen to," They were going to poison the rest of them, I need to warn everyone.

"Were you the one that put the letter by Anna's bed, are you S?" I questioned her, she licked her very bright red lips as she leaned back in her seat, taking a deep inhale of the suffocating air.

"So I am," She spoke, "I just want you to know that we are causing more good than harm, it might not seem like it now but you'll notice soon enough," She looked out the window for a split second, I took a shaking breath before I jumped out the car fining open the door as I went right back the the hall.

"Shit!" I could hear her yell as I presume she stumbled out of the car herself. I starting flinging open all the doors glancing inside them all just to see long empty table with chairs around them. I could hear her loud footsteps as she ran behind me, but I didn't look back because that would cost me time and time was something I didn't have in this moment.

I opened one of the last doors seeing most of my brothers and their cousins around the table, I ran deciding it would be a better choice to hide then to stand by the door and explain.

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