Part 4

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"Alright, everyone pass your exams forward" final exams came and went before any of us knew what was going on.

My phone buzzed soon after everyone's papers were picked up and we were dismissed. It was our group chat, stating for everyone to meet by the tree for one last hang out before everyone left. I sighed, now I was going to be left with the twins for two weeks by myself. Kelly went over my night routine as well as my med schedule, they knew to go off my planner as well as any other things that I wanted to do.

Hugging my planner closer to my chest and stepping into the cold air I spotted my friends by our tree, along with the twins. They were all laughing, the group had made friends with the quiet two quickly, I still had a bit of a reserve toward them. I honestly debated on going over to them or not, they were my friends but I don't do goodbyes, or see you laters. Unfortunately though, Yula caught sight of me before I could run off.

Building up my courage I walked over to them and forced a smile on my face, "hey guys."

Their faces fell, they could hear it in my voice, I wasn't happy about the situation.

"Hey, no sad faces, we will be back and you have Sam and Eli to take care of you" Kelly told me gently.

My eyes welled up, "it no fair Kk."

Owen bent over to look into my eyes, "come on little one, you know we'll be back, and the twins will take really good care of you. No crying yeah?"

My tears began to spill and I covered my face to hide them, though I was picked up and my head rested on the persons shoulder. I freely cried as the person held me bouncing lightly and rubbing my back. Once I calmed down I peaked out of my hiding space to look at all three of my friends, this confused me as I looked up to see Sam holding me. I didn't fight it, it felt nice after all and he was warm, Eli was petting my hair with a fond look on his face.

"You two are so good with her! Ugh we are gonna miss you little one" Kelly stated fake crying.

I lightly giggled past my stuffy nose, "yew siwwy Kk."

She smiled brightly at me and took Owen's hand, "we've got to get going little one, our plans will be leaving by this evening."

I pouted again, "otay Kk..Soon?"

They all smiled and held out their pinkies, "soon."

I linked my pinky with all three of theirs and smiled as they began walking away while waving. I cuddled closer to Sam feeling very tired and content in his arms.

"Some one looks like she needs a nap" Eli spoke with a small chuckle.

I let out a small whine, "am not."

They both chuckled as they began walking towards the dorms, "so here's a question princess, who do you want to stay with you in the room?"

I shrugged, "dunno."

"Well why don't we trade off every night, that way we both can watch you?" Sam suggested.

"Or yew coulds jus stay dere togever."

They were silent for a moment as we walked through the dorm hallways. I looked up at them as they held looks of slight excitement and shock. They liked the idea but didn't want to say anything about it. 

"Little one, I need the key to get inside the room" Eli stated.

I pointed toward my backpack "it in dere."

He raised his eyebrow, "where in there kitten?"

The nickname made me blush as I shrugged, "dunno, Kk aways open da door for me."

They both chuckled as Eli started to go through my backpack, the moving made me whine and cling to Sam more. Sam shushed me and beckoned Eli to hurry up as I was getting more fussy by the minute. Once they were in Eli's hand and the door was unlocked Sam took me to my bed and sat me down.

I fussed out, "I no tired SamSam!"

He raised an eyebrow at me, not sure if it was from the nickname or from my fussing, "you need a nap little one, you are so fussy right now. Do you want me to help you out of your clothes or do you want to do it?"

I sighed in defeat knowing I wasn't going to get out of taking a nap, so I grabbed my sleep clothes and went to change in the bathroom. I could hear the twins conversating in the room but I couldn't actually understand what they were saying. Coming out of the bathroom the twins conversation halted as they turned to me and smiled.

"You look adorable little one, lets get your glasses off and lay down yeah? You want to cuddle?" Sam asked.

"I cuddle Eli! SamSam got cuddles already" I stated.

Eli smiled brightly at me as he came over to me and picked me up, I nuzzled into his neck and gave my glasses to Sam. Eli lied down on my bed before placing me on my side cuddled into him. It was weird at first, having someone in my bed with me, but it felt right to be in his arms. Soon another warm body pressed against my back as another arm snaked around my waist.

I craned my neck to see Sam on my other side, I said nothing just let one of my arms rest on his, this was comfortable. I fell asleep in their arms to the sound of Eli's heart beat.


I jolted awake in a cold sweat breathing heavily, another night terror, I sighed noticing the twins were giving me worried looks. I pushed passed them to get to the bathroom again and get some water, my legs were shaky as I walked. God I hate these kinds of naps, that's why I fight them so often.

"Kitten, are you alright?" Sam asked standing by the door.

I put the cup down and looked at him through the mirror, "why do you call me that?"

His head tilted to the side, "kitten?"

I gave him a look that he knew that was what I was talking about.

"Do you not like it when we call you that?" Eli inquired standing behind Sam.

"That's not answering my question."

They both shrugged simultaneously, "we are caregivers, our last little loved pet names. We won't call you that if you don't want us too."

My phone ringing cut out our conversation and made me jump. Eli went to grab it and bring it to me, showing me that it was my mom.

Swiping it I answered my mom, "hey mom, yall make it to town okay?"

"Yes sweetie, your father and I want to take you out to dinner. Your friends able to bring you?"

I looked at the twins and asked if they had a car, they nodded at me.

"Yes, but these are new friends is that okay?"

"Of course princess! Wear that tutu I got you for Christmas last year! I love that one."

I let out a shaky breath, "okay mom, see you soon."

We hung up and I looked at the twins, "dinner, with my parents, please come. I need friends there."

"Okay little one, want help getting dressed?" Sam nodded.

"No I got it, but I have to find a tutu my mother bought me last year. If you both want to change and meet me at the front you can."

"We don't feel comfortable leaving you alone after the way you woke up Kitten" Eli told me sternly.

I rolled my eyes, "fine I'll change then we can go to your room for you to change."

"Deal," they stated together.

Well, if my parents like him then we have a good step going forward. Here goes nothing.

Who Would Have Thought?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें