Part 6

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When we were back at the school Sam carried me back into the dorms, I was nervous, I had never been punished before by my friends because they weren't comfortable with that. Sam seemed calmer than when we were leaving the restaurant, that was a good thing, right? Eli opened the door to my room and let us in first before shutting and locking my door. Sam set me on my bed then sat on Kelly's bed in front of me.

"Eve, do you know why it was rude what you did tonight?" Sam questioned as Eli leaned against my desk and crossed his arms.

I was staring at my lap and playing with my tutu to calm my nerves, "cause I not nice to my mama..."

He sighed, "well, yes and no, you threw a fit. I understand you were frustrated with your mother but that was very disrespectful. She was just excited for you, she was really hoping you found caregivers, and she was so hurt."

I felt bad now, I wasn't trying to hurt her feelings, I just wanted her to stop playing match maker. She meant well but I wasn't ready for the twins to be in my life in that major of a way, they were nice and understanding but they aren't my caregivers.

"Eve, where's your head at?" Eli asked softly as he knelt in front of me.

I blinked and looked at him before shrugging, "I know she meant well, but I hate when she tries to play match maker like that. She's done it ever since she found out about my little space, she worries when she isn't around to take care of me."

"Then why blowup at her like that?" Sam inquired.

Again I shrugged, "I don't know, I wasn't really little, I was more of a teenager."

They both sighed, "Eve, it was uncalled for, so Eli and I think writing lines and calling your mom to apologize is fit for this."

I whined at Sam's words, "noooo, I-"

"Ah, no ma'am, you know better than to act like that, especially if you were only regressed to a teenager. Now I'm going to start it by writing it out then you are going to sit and write until you get to 60 lines, then we will call your mom."

I pouted and fussed but I was not getting out of this, they were really good at keeping their ground, which was hard for me. I was used to getting away with things because my friends never punished me. Eli made me get up while Sam wrote out what I had to write before sitting me down in my desk chair. I hate this, they were so good at this that I knew I was going to actually enjoy these next two weeks.


After I finished my punishment and called my mom to apologize the twins sat me in their laps and held me close.

"Now what do we know not to do?" Sam asked.

"To not be disrespectful" I confirmed.

They both smiled, "good girl."

I giggled, they hugged me tightly just before my phone alarm went off, night routine time. The twins exchanged a look before returning it to me as Eli turned my alarm off.

"Do you want to do it by yourself or you want help kitten?"

"I got its" I jumped off their laps and returned to the bathroom to start.

I had a complex routine at night, shower, teeth, shave, moisturize, face cleanse, review my planner for tomorrow and read a night time story. The twins were patient with me as I did this, they didn't rush me nor told me that it was excessive. They even reminded me to take my night meds, which was a good thing due to my mind not being out of little space. I had slipped, fully slipped, I was playing and giggling like a toddler around the twins.

Soon my alarm went off again, "story time princess, who do you wanna sleep with tonight?" Eli asked.

"I seep wif bof of yew siwwy" I giggled moving out of Sam's reach when he tried to pick me up.

I gave an innocent look as he gave me a side smirk, "come on little one, story time, lets get comfy in bed."

"Hehe gotta catch me first!" I giggled as I opened the door to the dorm and ran out.

As I laughed hearing the twins behind me while they laughed as well chasing me. It wasn't until we reached the third corridor that Sam caught me under my arms and lifted me up into his hold still laughing. 

"Got you princess, story time and cuddles" Eli chuckled as he poked my side.

We went back to the dorm and Sam laid me down on the bed before joining me on my right as Eli grabbed a book and laid on my left. I snuggled into them as Eli began to read, it was my favorite story, Sleeping Beauty. He got to about the part where Arura meets the prince before I finally fell asleep. I had caregivers, ones that actually cared about me and were willing to help me with everything that I couldn't do in little space.

I was happy, and I knew this was right, now to just ease into it all before I overwhelm myself with the decisions of it all.


Waking up the next morning I felt very warm and rested, looking up I noticed that both the twins were still sleeping. I wiggled out of their grasp to start my morning routine. I wanted to play with my toys this morning, I was feeling small and it was nice. As I washed my face I heard one of the twins stirring in the bed.

Sam came into the bathroom rubbing his eyes tiredly, "Good morning little one. How did you sleep?"

As I patted my face dry I smiled, "Good SamSam, you?"

He kissed the top of my head causing me to blush, "better with you to cuddle with. How do you wanna wake up Eli?"

"Let him seep, I wanna pay wif toys."

Sam chuckled, "Alright little one, where are your toys?"

"Under bed."

Kissing my head one more time he left the bathroom, I brushed my teeth before joining him. He had pulled out my toys and grabbed his phone to play on while I played with them. I smiled and knelt down grabbing out a few of my baby toys, my rattle was my favorite. Kelly hated it because it was an annoying sound to her, I smiled as I shook it.  Though I worried about the twins getting annoyed with it as well.

I continued to play not really paying attention to the boys at all. Eli had woken up and was talking with Sam about something that I blocked out. Then something clicked on my head and I turned to the twins.

"Can I talk to you guys about something? "

They gave a spectical look "sure little one."

I sat on my bed as they sat across from me, "I really felt like last night was weird for me. "

They sighed, "You're telling us to not do that anymore aren't you?"

"No, no not at all" I shook my head at Eli's words. "Quite the opposite actually, last night was weird but, a good weird. You knew how to take care of me even when I acted out the way I did. I thought about it and I actually do want you both to be my caregivers. "

They both broke out into bright smiles before reaching at me and picking me up and holding me close. I laughed as they spun me around and tripping on my toys and falling on my bed.

"I take that as a yes?" I chuckled looking down at the twins.

"Yes princess, that's a yes" Eli smiled.

"Which brings the long talk about boundaries and rules and punishments" I stated and they nodded.

"Yes it does kitten. "

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