Part 16

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Eve's P.O.V.

After my confession to the twins we had all grown closer and they even said that they were thinking about an apartment off campus and asked if I would like to join them in the apartment. I was basically staying with them anyway so I agreed and we all began to look for one together. A small studio apartment that the three of us could share together.

"Ms. Parks you are needed in the administration office" my teacher told me pulling me from my thoughts.

I was a bit taken aback as no one calls me Ms. Parks unless I'm in trouble. I gathered my things and left to the administration office. As I approached I noticed the familiar sound of my mothers outraged voice. My heart started to race as I had a feeling I knew what this was about.

I walked in and my parents were standing there arguing with the desk lady and I couldn't help but feel bad for the woman. Once I was spotted my mothers face hardened even more and she came straight up to me with a sense of authority emitting off of her.

"Listen here young lady, you are to young to be dating, and you most certainly not dating two men at one time like some tramp!" she began to scold me, making me feel small instantly.

"Mom I'm not-"

"I demand you stop this foolish relationship with these boys and go back to being my sweet innocent little girl you are."

"I can't just-"

"These boys are poisoning your mind, and if you don't break this off you will be coming back to your father and I."

My heart sunk thinking about having to break up with the twins and the thought of having to live with my parents once again. My anxiety was spiking and I began to start hyperventilating as I was now more overwhelmed than I had ever been before. Though soon I felt familiar arms wrap around me and a deep husky voice speak into my ear.

"Breath for me princess, you are safe, no one is going to take you from us and we will fight for you until the world ends."

I felt my breathing even out after a few minutes of hearing his voice repeat this statement and I felt comfort in the scent that he was giving off. I knew it was one of the twins, I just wasn't quite sure which one it was, and I didn't care they were here to help me.

I could hear my mother arguing with the other twin and it sounded like the twin was winning against my mother. I looked up at the two and saw that it was Sam arguing with my mother, the one I would not like to get into an argument with as he had logic on his side more often than not. I looked up at Eli and he was still stroking my hair gently as he looked down at me.

"Are you alright now princess?" Eli asked.

I nodded, "yes Daddy I am, why did you two come?"

"We were called to the office to speak with our father and heard the commotion going on."

"Grandpa here?" I asked happily.

Eli smiled and turned slightly to look to his left and there stood his father watching Sam argue with my mother. I beamed and ran over to the older man who lifted me into his arms effortlessly and booped my nose.

"Hey little one, so this is your mother?" he asked.

I looked down, "unfortunately."

He nodded and walked over to my mother and Sam stopping their conversation as Sam knew his father.

"How much to get you to leave the girl alone?" his fathered asked my mother.

"Excuse me?" my mother sounded offended, but I could see the look in her eyes, she wanted to know how much she could get out of him.

"I will pay you an allowance a month if you leave Evelyn alone, forever. She is happy and loved where she is and she does not need you in her life anymore, so I ask again, how much?"

My mother looked at my father and they smirked, "10,000 a month and we will leave our daughter in your capable hands."

Grandpa handed me to Sam and pulled out his check book writing a check to my parents and the two left happily without even telling me goodbye. I was hurt a bit but happy that I no longer had to deal with my parents, even though the twins dad basically just bought me.

"Now let the four of us go and talk about some things" grandpa said gesturing us to walk into a private office.

Sam continued to carry me as he headed to the room and Eli followed us, then their father. The door shut and I could tell the atmosphere was tense. I felt like I was in trouble for some reason.

"10,000 dollars is a lot of money boys, and it's a month. I know I can afford it however I want you to work now that I am spending this money on Evelyn. I do not mind as she makes you both happy however I am not going to let you two take advantage of my money. You can work at one of the family job sites or find other jobs but you will work."

"Yes father" the twins said in unison.

"I work too" I protested.

The three looked at me endearingly, "oh Angel, you are to little to work."

"Nuh uh I big girl" I whined.

"Kitten, we are to be taking care of you, not the other way around. We don't mind working for you, it means more money to spoil you."

I pouted feeling even worse now that they had to do this because my parents couldn't just leave my relationship alone. It wasn't fair but I understood why they were doing this. It was part of taking care of me, even if it was something that made me feel a bit uncomfortable because their dad was paying my parents to leave me alone.

"Don't worry little one, as soon as you are out of school I will stop paying your parents and then they can't do anything but talk about taking you from here." their dad said.

"That's still two more semesters" I said.

He shrugged, "again, you're worth the money little one. You make my boys happy and my wife adores you. We are your family now and we will take care of you no matter what."

I nodded still feeling a bit uneasy about the entire thing.

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