Part 15

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Elijah's P.O.V.

Eve had only stayed in her infant headspace over the weekend and came out pretty fast, pretending nothing had happened. Sam and I were even more worried by this. She was acting like everything was fine and that the weekend never happened. She was even avoiding us now, staying closer to Kate and Oliver. I was feeling a bit useless now that she was acting bigger than she normally did. 

"What do we do? She seems like she doesn't want us anymore" I told Kate as we had found a time to talk to the girl without Eve around.

She gave us a sympathetic look, "I'm not sure boys, this is the first time she has done this while having actual caregivers. Have you tried to ask her anything?"

"We can't even get close enough to talk to her, she has been avoiding us like the plague" Sam explained.

"How about I get her to your dorm and then you both can talk to her how does that sound?" she inquired.

We all agreed and went our separate ways making a plan for her to bring Eve by this afternoon after her classes.


Once classes were over Sam and I waiting patiently in our dorm for Kate to bring Eve by. Knowing Eve though it would be a bit of a fight to get her here, unless Oliver helped. When they did arrive Oliver was holding a struggling Eve.

"You need to fix this before it gets worse" Kate told us as Oliver handed Eve to Sam and I thanked the two for bringing her by.

We entered the dorm and shut the door before looking at our princess. She had calmed down now but wouldn't look at me or my brother. We sat down on the bed across from her and looked at her for a moment.

"Eve, we just want to help, that's our job, but if you don't want us anymore you need to let us know" Sam told her gently.

We saw her face grow sad, "it's not that I don't want you..."

"Then what is going on baby girl? We want to help you, we just don't know how if you don't talk to us and you start to avoid us" I told her.

I saw a few tears fall from her eyes as she continued to stare down at her hands in her lap. "I, I think I have feelings for you both."

I couldn't help but feel relieved that this was what it was about instead of something worse. I stood and sat down on the floor in front of her so that I could look at her.

"Is that all it is princess?" Sam questioned.

She nodded slowly, "I, I don't know how to deal with something like that. I'm not good with my feelings and growing up I was always taught that love didn't actually exist. That I shouldn't ever tell someone I loved them because I would only get hurt in the end."

Sam joined me on the floor and we both took a hand in ours and looked at her with endearing eyes, "baby girl, we love you too, and we want to show you that your parents are wrong. We want to prove that you can be even happier now that you have found two people who love you more than anything in the world."

Her eyes filled with more tears as she let a small smile cover her feathers before she jumped into our arms knocking all of us to the ground. I smiled and held her just as tightly as my brother did letting her squeeze the two of us before I pulled her face up and kissed her gently on the lips. Sam let out a whine before doing the same and capturing her lips in a soft kiss as well.


After our talk yesterday Eve was in better spirits and was happy to show off to the whole school that she now had two boyfriends that loved her as much as she loved them. We could hear the criticizing remarks from people as Sam and I were related and it can be considered cheating. When we heard these things we made sure to let those people know to mind their business and that we weren't hurting anyone.

"AH! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS!" our mom shouted through the phone when we called and told her the news. 

Even Eve's friends were super happy for us as she was now even more ecstatic than she had been in the past. Eve even put it on her social media with a bunch of pictures of the three of us. At her request Sam and I did the same with our own social accounts. It was all so perfect and Sam and I couldn't have been happier with how it all turned out.

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