Part 9

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When I woke up the next morning I was surprised to see both the twins already awake. I stretched and rubbed my eyes still feeling tired.

"Good morning" Sam smiled.

"Sweet Angel" Eli cooed.

I giggled and made grabby hands at the two, feeling very small. Sam was the one to pick me up though, Eli grabbed my stuffie and handed it to me.

"You slept in a bit sweet girl" Sam mentioned to me.

I instantly became overwhelmed, I slept in? How long? What time was it? How could they let me sleep in?

"Angel it's okay, it was only about ten minutes. Do you want to start your morning routine while we get something together for breakfast?" Eli calmed me.

I nodded vigorously, ten minutes. At least it wasn't a lot, I still had a full day to finish my tasks. I went to the bathroom once Sam sent me down. I began with my teeth, then my face, I was still so tired. Last night was eventful and extremely long. Though I did enjoy meeting the twins parents. Their mother was so full of life as a little, and I enjoyed her energy.

I had plans to meet with my parents today. Go to the park after some lunch, I was only slightly looking forward to it. Once I was done in the bathroom, I joined the twins again in the main dorm room. Going to my closet and picking out a cute outfit for today.

"I'm supposed to meet my parents for lunch and a trip to the park. Did you guys want to come with?" I questioned.

They shared a look, "well Angel."

"Do you want us to come?"

I blushed, I kind of did want them to come, I just didn't expect them to ask. So I nodded shyly before retreating to the bathroom to get dressed. With my outfit I wanted my hair to be braided, but I didn't want to do it myself.

I walked out of the bathroom with two hair ties and took them up to Eli. "Can yew braid my hair pease?"

His face brightened, "of course I can Angel. Good girl for using your manners."

I blushed again and let him play with my hair. I slipped more as he braided my hair and Sam fed me a few bites of the oatmeal he made me. I wasn't a big fan of oatmeal, but Sam made it really well so I didn't mind eating it.

After I ate and Eli finished my hair I was regressed relatively far, I knew soon I would need a pull up due to my head space. So I went to my closet and pulled one out, along with the diaper bag that I had. I set it down next to the twins shyly, not really saying anything.

"Are you feeling little kitten?" Sam questioned.

I knew the meaning behind the way he asked, so I nodded before disappearing into the bathroom. It has been a while since I was in this small of a headspace. I guess being taken care of to this extent was bringing me to a more comfortable level in my head. I slipped out of my panties and into the pull-up slowly. I was nervous to say the least, I hadn't used them since before I moved here.

A knock on the door made me jump out of my thoughts, "c-come in."

The door opened slowly to reveil the twins with warm smiles.

"You doing okay kitten?" Sam questioned.

"It's okay to be small Angel" Eli reassured me.

My body relaxed and I seemed to just melt at the thought that they weren't weirded out by the idea of me in a pull-up. Sam lifted his hand to my face and wiped an unknown shed tear.

"It's almost time to go Kitten, are you sure you're okay?"

I nodded and took his hand, "I otay, jus, happy."

Yes my friends accepted me, but not to the same extent that Sam and Eli seemed to. Eli grabbed the diaper bag while Sam picked me up to carry me to the car. I felt little enough to even start sucking on my thumb. Which was taken away almost immediately, causing me to whine.

"Do you have any paci's kitten?" Sam inquired, just about ignoring my whines of protest.

I nodded, pointing to the diaper bag that Eli had. Eli looked in it pulling out my favorite one on the first try. I smiled happily and took it. This earned me a small stern glare.

"Next time Angel, ask nicely" Eli scolded.

I looked down, "I sowwy."

I felt a kiss on my forehead and Eli lifted my chin to look at him.

"It's alright Angel, just know to be nice next time."

I nodded, "yesth sthir."

They both chuckled and we got in the car, Sam set me down as Eli got to drive. I made car noises during the ride feeling absolutely carefree. It had been a while since I felt this way, and it was a good feeling. Until my brain remembered something important and I gasped quite loudly.

"What's wrong kitten?" Sam asked in concern.

"My planner!" I couldn't help but yell in panic.

Sam smiled slightly at me, "its in the diaper bag Kitten. We made sure to have it for you."

I let out a breath of relief, they knew me well already. My mind calmed enough for me to slip again, feeling a bit more at ease knowing it was with me. We reached the fast food place that my parents had picked out seeing them already there. I waited for the twins this time allowing Sam to carry me again. I didn't want to walk, I felt to little too.

My parents gave skeptical looks toward us as we approached.

"Hello sweetie, are you feeling extra small right now?" My mother questioned.

I nodded, "no wan walk mama."

She cooed at me, "oh baby, you want me or daddy to hold you?"

I shook my head, "nu tank yew, SamSam."

My mother was surprised, so was my dad. I don't let people carry me, my parents normally do it. We all went in and Sam stated he would snag a table while Eli and my parents ordered. Eli gave Sam my diaper bag as we left the group, I could still see my parents watching us.

"Dey no wike it" I mumbled.

"Like what kitten?" Sam hummed as he sat down at a booth.

"Mama and papa, dey never habe no one take care me wike yew do."

He chuckled, "I think they're just worried about you kitten."

I looked down at my hands, "maybe."

He seemed genuinely worried about me. My parents and I have a different relationship. It's not rough, but it's also not good. They nit pick everything in my life. That's why I tend to keep them at a distance unless it's holidays.

"So sweetie are your friends coming to Christmas?" My mother asked.

"Dunno." I mumbled.

"Do mumble Evelyn, it's not cute."

I clenched my fists still staring at my lap. I was not going to react to her.

"We are going to our families home for the holiday. We can drop her off if you would like" Sam commented.

"Oh no that's okay, we normally just eat out and do presents there. I just needed to know if I should buy more gifts."

Of course, she was worried about spending money on people she didn't know. Selfish woman.

The rest of lunch was uneventful, however my parents canceled the park, stated they had other plans. My anxiety spiked at the knowledge of plans being changed. Once in the car I began to cry and breath heavily.

"Kitten, kitten you need to breath. We are still going to the park, it's part of your planner. Eli and I both agreed to it before you mentioned it. Okay? So breath, in, out, good girl there you go." Sam guided me to calm myself.

"We go park?"

He smiled, "yes kitten, we are still going to the park. We went over your planner last night, the park is part of it."

They looked at my planner last night? They are accommodating to my schedule? Why do I feel like this? What's going on?

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