Part 14

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Samuel's P.O.V

When we left our parents house, Eve was being really fussy and clingy to me and Eli. I had noticed at the house that she seemed to be slipping further into a smaller head space. I was concerned something was bothering her. Smaller head spaces meant trauma response, and as her caregiver I had an obligation to make sure she was okay. 

Once at the dorms again it was to late to take her to her own dorm so we brought her to ours for the night. I doubted she would have even gone to her own dorm tonight with how clingy she was being. So to our dorm the three of us went and she nodded off on my shoulder as I carried her. Knowing she played hard with Eli and I's mom I wasn't to surprised that she was this tired. They played dress up, barbies, princesses, even going to the back yard and playing tag, they were very active. 

"Do you think she is doing okay? I mean, she was babbling like a baby when we left" Eli asked me once we had her laid down.

"I'm not sure, I did notice her babbling too, I wonder what triggered it."

He shrugged and we went to do our homework, we had been putting off our work in hopes of getting closer to Eve. Unfortunately we started to fall behind and our teachers were threatening to fail us. So homework we did while periodically checking in on Eve.


The next morning I woke up to crying coming from Eve as I laid down with her the night prior. I turned to her and noticed that the bed was soaking wet and she seemed to be in distress. Jumping into action I picked her up taking her to the bathroom to run a bath and get her cleaned up. Eli was waking up from the noise of our baby girl crying and I was thankful so that he could change the sheets while I bathed Eve.

"What's happening?" he asked groggily.

"Accident, would you change the sheets while I give her a bath?"

"Is she okay?"

I looked down at her as she sucked on her thumb, "I don't think so."

He nodded and went to change the sheets as I finished the bath for Eve. I stripped her of her clothes and her soaking wet pull-up. I thought about the diapers she had and figured they were going to be useful right now. I lowered her down into the water and watched her reaction to make sure it was the right temperature for her. She didn't cry more so it wasn't to hot, thank God, and she didn't shy away from it so it wasn't to cold, perfect. Once she was fully in the tub I tried to let her go, but she wasn't stable on her own so I had to keep a hand on her back to keep her from going under the water.

Her hands never left her mouth as I washer her gently, she babbled happily and started giggling when I got to her sides and neck. The smile that spread across my face was involuntary, but I was content with it. She really was perfect, Eli and I knew that when we first laid our eyes on her.

Once I finished bathing her I was quick to get her out and wrapped in a towel knowing that it was cold in here to her since she was wet. With the weather being colder now I wanted to put her into something warmer than she normally wears. We've been letting her pick her clothes and she goes for fashion over practical. So now that she was more of an infant I was happy to pick her clothes for her and wrap her in a footed onesie after putting a diaper on her.

She yawned and rubbed at her eyes gently, I knew she was still tired as it was only three in the morning, so I laid her down in Eli's bed to go back to sleep. She almost instantly did once her head hit the pillow. I turned back to Eli seeing him finishing put new sheets on the bed.

"Good thing we put plastic covers over the mattresses before we put sheets on" he tried to joke.

I nodded looking down at Eve with a serious expression on my face, "what is happening with our little girl Eli?"

He sighed and looked at her too, "I'm not sure, she seems to not want to even tell us about it. Maybe we should talk to Kate and see if she might know what's going on with Eve."

"We may have to, Kate knows her better than we do, and there is no harm in asking for help."


When it was more of an appropriate time of the morning we went ahead and gave Kate a call to come by our dorm. Eve hadn't come out of her infant head space yet which worried us more, as normally these things only lasted a few hours. Kate agreed and came by with her boyfriend, they went everywhere together normally.

"Hey boys, what seems to be the problem?" she asked cheerily when we answered the front door.

Eli and I shared a looked before bringing the two in to see Eve for themselves. To say they were shocked, is a bit of an understatement. Eve was on her tummy barely able to keep her head up to look around at the baby toys we had set on the floor.

"When did it start?" was her first question, and her tone was serious.

"Last night."

"Did she wet the bed?" Oliver asked.


They both shared a look, it was one of concern, and I did not like it one bit.

"What does this mean?" I pried on the two.

"We aren't sure, the last time this happened, she was, assaulted" Oliver told us.

"Assaulted how?" Eli seethed out.

"Not sexually, some out of town kids beat her up when she denied to hang out with them. She stayed in a smaller head space for a week after that. What were you doing before she became this small?"

"We were at our parents house, she was playing with our mom, having fun and running around. Nothing bad happened and she was safe."

The two thought for a moment before speaking again, "it could be stress, an involuntary way to cope with what is going on around her. I mean you two have been great with her but school can be a lot for her and she doesn't have a lot of down time. Maybe talk to her when she comes out of her infant head space and see what triggered it."

She had a point, we couldn't do much until she came out of her head space, we had to inform the school too just in case it lasted longer than the weekend.

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