Part 2

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It was a strange morning when I woke up the next day feeling very distraught and not at all like my privacy had been violated. In the mix of the twins and I colliding yesterday, Samuel somehow added his and Elijah's numbers too my phone. In addition to that, he sent them both a message so that they had my numbers, causing me to feel very, uneasy when I woke up to two good morning messages from them. Kelly was my roommate so she helped me get dressed since I was feeling a bit out of control of my routine already, also reminding me to take my meds. I had no early morning classes today, however I always got up early to go to the library and read or study.

Kelly had one class and told me she and Owen would meet me in the library after their first class. She could tell something was wrong and didn't want to leave me alone for to long incase things somehow progressed. As we walked from the dorms to the library I could feel eyes watching me, turning to look around I saw no one, yet the paranoia continued to build. I wasn't necessarily traumatized as a child, but living in a very inconsistent household made me fear most new things.

Once settled in the library and Kelly off to class I opened one book, my planner and my lap top to work on next months schedule, my history final, as well as my sign language final. I am great at multitasking so when it comes to having more than one thing needing to be done, I'm the girl everyone goes to. I could feel two presences behind me that caused a very, warry feeling to arise inside my core. I tried my damdest to ignore it, until the two sat in front of me. I only spared them a glance as they watched me sign, write down new appointments or classes, and read about another war we had in history.

My phone buzzed pulling my attention from my work, though I gave the two in front of me a glare, "if you want to talk to me, just say something, don't text me when I'm sitting right in front of you dipshits."

Swearing was very unusual for me, I hardly do it as my regression was more of a toddler than any older. Though my words seemed to upset the two as their eyes went from that icy blue, to almost a deep ocean one. Elijah clenched his jaw as Samuel sat up straighter.

"That was a very dirty word for such a pretty girl" Samuel stated almost sternly.

I tried my best not to let the tone bother my little space, so, I rolled my eyes, "I'm a grown adult, I am allowed to say whatever I d-"

"I dare you to finish that sentence kitten" Elijah growled out toward me.

His daring tone told me to shut the hell up, and the look on his face made me feel like I was a kid in trouble, so I shut my mouth. They approved of this as they both whispered a small, 'good girl.' I mean, who do these two think they are to treat me like I, for one know them, for two as if I was their little girl? I had no specific caregiver, my friends helped me when I felt to small to do anything, though Kelly drew the line at bathing me. It was ridiculous that they thought they could just come into my school and treat me like they knew who I was.

"Hey Eve, who are your new friends?" I heard Yula's voice ask concerned.

I blinked and looked up at her before looking back at the twins, "narcissistic assholes that won't leave me alone."

Before the twins could say anything Yula began to reprimand me, "hey, no that wasn't very nice little one. You need to apologize to them right now."

I pouted and began to bounce in protest in my seat, "b but-"

"No, you know better than to use words like that, Kelly and Owen would ground you for that. If you don't want that you tell them you're sorry right now" Yula stood firm in her words as well as her stance to scold me.

Crossing my arms to continue pouting I looked up at the two through my bangs and mumbled and apology. Yula took the apology, sitting down and introducing herself, though I could tell the twins didn't like my apology at all. Soon Kelly and Owen joined us introducing themselves to the twins.

"You feeling any better little one? You gave Kk a bit of a scare this morning" Owen asked rubbing my arm.

I shrugged still staying quite silent, obviously worrying Kelly and Owen even more.

"Oh she's just pouting for getting in trouble earlier" Yula stated.

This caused me to whine and give her my best puppy eyes, "you promised!!!"

I could see the eyebrow raises from Owen and Kelly off to the side, "in trouble for what?"

Yula looked at me, however it wasn't her to speak, it was the twins.

"She said some very"

"Naughty words about us."

I groaned and put my head in my arms on the table as Kelly and Owen gave me their best disappointed looks. I didn't mean to say it, whether or not it was true, I still didn't mean to actually let it slip out of my mouth. Though what I didn't expect was for the twins to settle the situation by saying it wasn't that big of a deal and that grounding wasn't necessary. My alarm broke the conversation going on as everyone looked over at me.

"Class, bye" I got up and tried to rush away from the group.

Getting to the hall way was easy, at least until I felt a strong grip on my wrist pull me into a room before it closed and I was pushed against it. My chin lifted with the help of someone's thumb and pointer finger to meet two sets of piercing green eyes. They weren't as piercing as usual they were filled with disappointment and firmness.

"You weren't very nice back in the library kitten," Elijah stated.

"Lucky for you we don't have permission from you to correct your bad behavior." Samuel commented while pushing back some of my loose hair.

They stepped back from me, "class is waiting little one, don't want to be late."

I ran out of the room and rushed to my class, I was late by like a minute, but I profusely apologized to my professor.

"Eve, did you forget your meds this morning?" she asked quietly.

I shook my head, "no ma'am, just, having a hard day."

I quickly went to my seat and let my professor teach. I only had this class today and I planned to spend the day with my friends after, but I think I'm just going to go back to the dorm and lay down. This has been one of the most rollercoaster type of days that I've had in a very long time. My emotions weren't right and I was on the verge of panicking right in the middle of a lecture. I was not sure what these twin Gods seemed to be doing, but it was messing with my entire self and I didn't much appreciate it.

So, when my class was over, I went back to the dorm and just laid down, letting my phone buzz until it finally lulled my to sleep around noon. A nap was good, maybe when I wake up, I'll feel a bit more like myself instead of a confused ball of flustered fuzz.

"Lucky for you we don't have permission from you to correct your bad behavior."

That thought rang through my head as my mind started to lose all sense of consciousness.

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