Part 7

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The twins had decided that instead of making the rules seem like a very serious private thing that we would go over them at lunch, in public. So we all got dressed and SamSam carried me to their car before buckling me in safely. Eli drove this time and it seemed as though the smiles on their faces wouldn't go away. I smiled too, they were happy and so was I, I'm not 100% sure as to why though, I barely knew them, and I was trusting them with something very special to me. They were good at taking care of me, and telling me when I done messed up, they knew how to do everything that I needed.

"Princess, we're here" Sam's voice pulled me from my thoughts, slightly shocking me.

I looked out my window, this was not a normal restaurant, this looked almost like an adults McDonald's. Adults dressed just like I was were playing on the equipment, and there were others inside that were smiling at the others.

"What dis place?" I asked the two.

"It's a place for littles and caregivers to come and not be judged by others. Everyone here is just like us, either a little, or a caregiver." Eli explained.

"What kina foods?"

They both chuckled, "all kinds Angel."

That nickname pulled me to look at the two as my cheeks heated up to no end, "w- what?"

They both gave me questioning looks, "what? Do you like it when we call you Angel?"

My face became even hotter as Sam said it this time, I really like that one. They chuckled as they both got out and Sam opened my door for me. I smiled and got out holding onto Eli's hand and following them inside the building. I was quite nervous hearing the noises the others made as well as the happiness that seemed to radiate through the building.

"Sir Grey? We haven't seen you both in a while, would you like your usual table?" A lady asked that stood at a hostess stand by the door.

"How about a more private area Jess" Sam stated.

I looked up at Eli and tugged his sleeve, when he looked down at me and hummed I asked, "why she know you?"

He hummed a laugh before answering me, "SamSam and I's parents own this place."

My eyes widened, "what?"

He lead me behind Sam and the hostess to a table that was more out of the way of the others.

"Do we need a high chair for this little one?" the girl asked giving me a warm smile.

I blushed and looked at the twins, they wanted me to answer, so I shook my head and told her no thank you. She nodded and let us sit down while she laid out the menus for us. I shyly went to ask for water but the twins asked for me before I could even get the words out. They smiled at me as they watched me look at the menu, it really did have a lot of different foods that were mixed into one place.

"Anything jumping out at you Angel?" Sam questioned.

Blushing, once again, I nodded and laid the menu down and point to it, "dat one."

He smiled and nodded, "alright Angel you can get that."

I beamed back at him as the waitress came back with our drinks and the twins ordered for all of us. I was slowly sipping my water as the twins conversated for a moment.

"Alright Angel, ready to go over rules and boring stuff?" Eli questioned me.

I pouted but nodded, "yesth."

"Why don't we start with your boundaries first."

Nodding I sat up straighter, "otay, well I don't like yelling, it is a very, big trigger for me. Sex is going to be put on a back burner, I'm not comfortable with that. For now until I get more comfortable I would still like to shower and dress myself."

They smiled and nodded, "okay Angel, those are very good ones. We promise you that we will respect all of them, even if more come up in the future."

My heart swelled at that, no ones ever told me that, they've always pushed me to do things that didn't make me comfortable.

"What punishments are you okay with and not okay with?" SamSam asked.

I thought about it for a moment, "well I've never been spanked and it kinda scares me so that's like a last resort kinda thing. The writing lines was a good one, corners I hate but am okay with. Mmm position holding, sensory deprivation, speech restrictions, grounding, and loss of treats."

"Those are great Angel, and we don't like the idea of spanking unless it's absolutely necessary. So last thing we need to go over is rules, is that okay Angel?" 

Nodding at Sam's question as the waitress put our food on the table for us, my mouth watered at the look of it. I had asked for chicken parmesan with a baked potato on the side, it looked even better than good.

"We'll eat first than go over the rules Angel okay?"

Giggling while nodding I went to dig in until Eli stopped me to cut the chicken for me. It made me blush as he knew what to do for me without me even having to ask for it. As we ate the twins told me more about themselves, seeing as I had so many questions since their parents owned the place we were currently in. Apparently their parents were well known in the town for these kinds of places as they were advocates for our kind of lifestyle. They held press conferences and parties for people in the community about all of this.

"Wait, then why did you dad act like he hated me when we met?" I pouted.

They both laughed, "he was testing your ability to stand up for yourself."

I nodded to Eli's statement and continued to eat, the closer we got to finishing the food the more nervous about the rules I got. The twins seemed very calm about it though which kept me slightly calmer than I would be if it wasn't them.

"Alright Angel, are you ready?" Sam asked me.

I nodded slowly, "as ready as I can be."

Eli took my hand and smiled at me, "Angel this isn't supposed to be scary, it's to keep you safe while we look after you."

His words made my nerves die down more, I nodded for them to continue on.

"They're simple, stay close to us, no yelling at us, we don't like swearing, take your meds on time, follow your schedule and get your homework done. Nice and simple" Sam told me.

"That's all?"

They both shrugged nodding, "until our relationship progresses further."

I smiled, "otay, tank yew."

"Now, do you want to play some before we head back to campus?" Eli questioned.

I excitedly nodded, "yes pease."

So I ran over to the equipment and started to play like the other littles and actually had a really great time, they were actually amazing. I am in good hands.

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