Part 5

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As we walked out to the twins car, I was required to hold one of their hands, apparently it was for safety, even though there was no one left on campus. They had me sit in the back and Eli buckled me as Sam started the car. I dressed in the pastel yellow and pink tutu my mother gave me as well as a cute sweater with some knee high socks and my converse. Sam did my hair into two braids and put one yellow and one pink bow in each of them. They surprised me with how much they already knew about how to take care of me while I was in little space, which was most of the time. I didn't always regress to a toddler but when I did I was completely different than how I normally act around other people.

Giving the address to Sam and texting my parents that we were on our way was all I really did while I was in the car. I get car sick easily, so I can't move around to much. The twins stayed silent while we drove and for some reason I began to get nervous about them meeting my parents. They weren't judgmental or anything but they were two men, that my parents don't know, that are around me, alone. Besides, they are really good at taking care of me and knowing my mother, she is going to say something about it and embarrass me completely.

Once we pulled into the restaurant I saw my parents immediately and shrunk in my seat, I'm not ready for this, nope no way. The twins got out and Eli opened my door, expecting me to get out on my own, but I didn't budge as I kept my arms crossed and slouching in my seat. Sam came around and gave me a concerned look.

"What's the matter princess?" He asked.

I shook my head.

The twins exchanged a look, "kitten you need to get out so you can see your parents."

Again, I shook my head.

They sighed as Sam knelt down next to my seat, "kitten, look at SamSam please," I gave him a side glance, "all the way little one."

I whined but did what I was told turning my head to look at him. "Now, you can't show up to meet your parents then decide to leave, that's not nice. You wanted us to come with you so you weren't alone, we are here, so lets be a good girl and go see your mom and dad."

I pouted but nodded, unbuckling my seatbelt and letting Sam take my hand to help me out of the car. His touch made me feel a bit better and they seemed to notice as I began skipping again. My parents smiled and waved at me, but before I could run up to them the twins caught me.

"Don't run off in the middle of the parking lot little one," Sam scolded.

"It's not safe."

The way they finished that statement made it that much more appealing to listen to them. So I walked in between the two up to my parents. I jumped into a hug with my mom as she squealed happily. My father took my hand and twirled me before engulfing me in his strong arms. He smelled like home, grass and rain, it was a nice memory that I found my heart clenching to.

"Oh princess it's nice to see you, why don't you introduce us to your friends" my mom said looking at the twins.

"I'm Samuel Grey ma'am" Sam said offering his hand to my mother first then my father.

"And I'm Elijah Grey, it's wonderful to meet you both" Elijah did the same thing Sam did as my father gave them a skeptical look.

"How come we've never met you two before?" I could tell in his tone he didn't like that I showed up with them.

"They just transfered now can we sit and eat?" I interrupted with a pleading tone.

"Oh right, your schedule sorry baby girl, we are just a bit surprised" my mother gushed.

Rolling my eyes we all proceeded inside, the twins holding the doors for us all. We were seated in an area away from people upon my mothers request, she knew I didn't like crowds. As we all sat everyone ordered their drinks aside from me, my father did that for me knowing exactly what to order. It was evening so no soda, juice, or lemonade because of the sugar. I don't like tea or coffee so it was only a water, the twins took note of my mothers explanation of why that was done.

"So how were finals pumpkin?" my dad asked.

I whined at him, "daddy, no school talk pretty pease."

He and my mother both chuckled, "oh fine, how's Pamala?"

"She's good, I saw her just the other day for our dinner out, she did tell me to tell you she said hi."

"That's great sweetie, so do your new friends know the whole, situation, about you?" 

Oh wonderful mom, just make it even more awkward than it has to be by asking that stupid question. I blushed and wanted to hide under the table as the twins held back their laughs.

"Yes ma'am we do, it was apparent when we first met her" Sam stated.

I gapped my mouth at him and hit his arm, "was not!"

He and Eli both chuckled at me, "please you skipped down the halls the entire tour and you didn't notice but you started to babble instead of talk."

I glared at Eli, they were both on either side of me as perusal and the whole table erupted into laughter. I groaned and slumped in my seat, well this is at least going better than I originally thought it would.

"That sounds like our little Eve, so you two don't have any issues with it?" My father asked skeptically.

"Of course not sir, we are caregivers so when we noticed it, we made it a point to make sure she was safe and protected. Her friends are really good with her too." 

Sam was over doing it however I liked that he mentioned the others, I don't tend to talk about them a lot when they aren't around.

"So you two are the other end of the spectrum with this kind of thing" my mother stated more than asked.

"Yes ma'am."

"Well dear, at least you have caregivers now."

"Mooooom" I whined, "they are babysitting until Kelly gets back geez."

The boys tensed next to me, I felt the hurt that radiated off of them, I felt bad for saying it like that but they weren't my caregivers.

"Oh lord Evelyn, you have two gorgeous young men on your right and left that seem to know and care for you, that's what you've been waiting for. Why aren't you trying to jump at this opportunity?"

I glared at my mother, there were so many things that I could say right now, but I bit my tongue on account of my father.

"I just met them mom, I barely know them, I'm not going to trust my entire life with two strangers."

She rolled her eyes, "oh please that's all you ever do."

I ground my teeth, and stood up, grabbed my things and began to walk away.

"Evelyn get back here right now" my father called through restaurant.

I ignored him and continued to walk, I was done, she constantly pushes me to find someone, when I know I'm not ready. I continued to the car not caring if the twins would get upset that walked by myself through the parking lot. I wanted out of there and they could join when they were ready.

Soon, they did join me, both with mixed emotions etched into their features. Sam walked up to me as Eli went to the drivers side and got in.

"And that, young lady, was strike three" Sam told me in a very low tone.

My stomach filled with butterflies as he opened my car door and told me to get in, he buckled me and shut the door as my parents came up behind him. As they talked Eli and I just sat in silence.

"He's not happy kitten," Eli stated.

"It's none of your business when it comes to family" I spat out.

"Manners Evelyn, and regardless that was rude."

I bit my tongue and waited for my parents and Sam to finish talking so we could go back to the dorms. Once the conversation was over and Sam was in the car we sped off back to campus, the closer we got, the more my tummy flipped.

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