Part 11

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"Eve!" Kelly squealed happily when she finally got out of her terminal at the airport.

I squealed too as I ran into her open arms "Kk! I miss yew so much!"

"I missed you too little one, did you have a good break with the twins?" She asked.

I nodded and started to tell her all about it, leaving out a lot of the things that I had done wrong. Seeing the twins eye me silently telling me they would be happier if I was honest with my friend.

We all got in the twins car Kelly and I sitting in the back with Owen. He took a different flight so we had to wait for him. I told them about the party and the toys and presents I got from the twins parents and the fun we all had.

"I'm so glad you had a better time this year little one. You look so happy right now" Owen commented.

"SamSam and Eli were amazing! They played with me helped me take my meds and when mama was mean they took me to the park!" I told them.

"What happened when your mama was mean angel?" Eli questioned glancing at me through the rear view mirror.

I whined crossing my arms and mumbling, "I was not nice."

"Eve don't mumble, remember no one can understand you when you mumble" Kelly scolded me.

I let out a bigger whine throwing my hands against the seat, "I was mean and threw toys..."

My friends were silent, I hadn't really ever thrown a fit in front of them. They had only seen me act out in the smallest of ways, whining, pouting, and lightly crying at them.

"Don't start throwing a fit, you can't lie to your friends. That's more mean than throwing things at Eli and i."

I pouted, "sowwy Kk..."

She took my hand and smiled at me, "it's okay little one. I wouldn't want to admit that either, but you know next time that's not okay right?"

I nodded, "da- Ewi and Sam Sam tol' me use my words next time."

"Good in glad they took care of you while we were gone." Owen said hugging me.

The rest of the way to the school Kelly and Owen told me about their breaks with their families. Kelly's sisters were getting bigger and Owen's dad got a promotion at work. They seemed to have a great break.


I was confused when my phone was going off, Sam handed it to me. I wasn't normally allowed to have it in the car because of my motion sickness, but once I looked at the caller ID I knew why he gave it to me.

"Hi mama" I answered it.

"Your father and I are leaving today, are you going to pull yourself away from those twins to tell us goodbye? " She asked without even saying hello.

"I can meet y-"

"That won't be necessary, we are on the road now. We will see you during spring break. "

And she hung up, tears pricked at my eyes as I stared at the screen to my phone. Kelly took it from my as her and Owen wrapped their arms around me. I didn't start sobbing but tears did continue to roll down my cheeks as I sat there numbly.

The twins were there to hold me as I stayed numb while I was carried into the building. Kelly helped me change into something comfy while Owen and the twins waited for us. We then went into the common room, me holding on to a blankie and stuffie with a pacifier between my lips.

Eli and Sam had a spot in between them on one of the couches. I climbed into the spot snuggling into their warm bodies as Owen and Kelly picked out a movie. No one made me do anything and I barely talked the entire time. Letting my mind stay blank as I was thoughtlessly watching the Disney movie.

The twins had been playing with my hair the entire time letting me calm more. Soon though we all heard loud female shouting of a very familiar voice.

"I will kill whoever hurt my sweet girl! Where is she!?" Yula's voice came through the room when she opened the door.

It caused a giggle to leave me when she came and knelt in front of me. "Hey pretties, I have something for you. My dad heard what happened and took me shopping. Wanna come see?"

I looked at the twins for permission and they nodded so I took Yula's hand so she could lead me. Where she took me was out to the parking lot where her dad was stood next to his car. A big smile on his face when he saw me.

"Hey peanut, Kk told me and Yul's what happened and I thought you might need some cheering up" He said giving me a hug.

Then he opened his trunk to reveal some boxes wrapped in paper and a big box that wasn't. I looked at him with curious eyes when he did elaborate further.

"The big box is yours, I just picked it up so I didn't have time to wrap it."

I giggled while hearing the chuckling from my friends and the twins. Everyone helped get the box out onto the ground so I could open it. Eli used a pocket knife to cut the tape and let me move the flaps.

Inside the box were clothes, little clothes and big girl clothes. I moved more stuff around and at the bottom was a stuffed sloth the size of me. I squealed at it trying to pull it out.

"Kitten hold on" Sam stopped me.

"Let us help" Eli continued.

They grabbed the clothes then pulled the sloth out handing it to me. I squeezed it tightly my mind forgetting all about my mom.

We all moved inside, the guys helping Yula's dad bring in the presents while I sat with Kelly and Yula. They helped distract me by going through all the clothes and finding some toys inside the box as well. We talked about Yula's trip with her dad and what they did in Korean.

We had yet another present opening and everyone loved it. The one thing I did notice though was the twins were still doting on me. Worrying about whether or not I was okay. It made me feel loved and cared for. My friends loved me but they didn't do the same things the twins did. I couldn't help the feelings in my heart toward the two men. And I was going to tell them.

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