Part 10

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It was getting closer to classes starting again and the twins and I had been having our roller coaster of a break. I was starting to regress fully, being in pull-up during the day and diapers during the night. Playing and having fun, but it wasn't all kittens and puppies.

"Evelyn if you throw one more toy you will sit in time out little girl" Sam stated sternly.

I screeched at him angrily and threw the toy anyway, "yew a meanie head!"

Eli was the one to pick me up and move me to the corner, I went to turn around and he was right there to stop me. I stomped my feet and whined out crossing my arms.

"Eve you will stand here for four minutes and think about why what you did was wrong" Eli told me with a firm voice.

"No!" I shout trying to run away again.

Eli hadn't moved from beside me so he stopped me again putting me in the corner. "We will still spank you little girl, we don't like to but if you keep this up that's where this is headed."

My heart sank, maybe I was taking this a bit to far. After an entire day without the twins, and with my mother I hadn't been the best mentally. During Christmas day all she did was put me down. She even told me she had taken back half the presents she bought me because she was disappointed in my decisions with the twins. I hadn't told them about it either, my parents also changed every plan for that day and I never fully got over it.

"Good girl Eve," Sam stated.

"Your time is up" Eli told me.

I turned around still fiddling with my hands but didn't move from my spot. They should know, it's not their fault, though I knew this happened every year I still let it get to me.

"What's the matter kitten?" Sam asked, concern dripping from his voice.

Eli picked me up when I didn't say anything right away, I could also feel Sam's hand on my back. Tears started to flow down my cheeks as I nuzzled my face into the crook of Eli's neck.

"Angel, what can Sam Sam and I do to help?" Eli inquired.

I just held him tighter, not wanting anything else right now. They understood my silent request and just held me whispering sweet things until I calmed down.

"I apologize for scaring you angel, I wasn't trying to, I just didn't know how to get you to listen to SamSam and I." Eli said and I shook my head.

"Nuh you d- Ewi, it me" I told him.

"What do you mean kitten?" Sam asked.

I looked down at my hands, "mama..."

I didn't miss Eli tightening his grip on me and Sam clenching his fists.

"What happened with mama angel?" Eli pushed softly.

"Mama be teww mes dat I take presents change pwans on an...I no wanna see mama 'gain."

The twins were quiet for a moment begot either of them spoke up.

"Okay kitten, we understand now why these past few days have been hard for you. We are sorry we didn't pick up on it sooner. Can we make a suggestion?" Sam started.

I nodded finally looking up at the two feeling a trillion times lighter.

"Why don't we go see SamSam and I's mom and dad, they have a lot of presents for you at their house and wanted to see you for Christmas. We can stay as long or as little as you want, how does that sound?" Eli asked.

I wouldn't mind seeing their parents, they were super nice and their mom was fun. I had only been around their parents once, the party, but maybe it would help me feel better.

So I nodded, their smiles made my heart feel warm, and we got ready. I fought a bit on putting my toys away but they made it a game and we got it all done. They dressed me and packed my diaper bag putting my planner in a well as a blankie and my favorite pacifier. Then we were ready and we left.

They played my little space Playlist the entire ride and it made me feel even better. They didn't make me feel bad for how I reacted to what happened with my parents and I was grateful for it. They even apologized for not trying to talk to me about how I was feeling and it made everything better.

When we got to their parents house I could see their mother waiting at the front door. I was happy to see her so I tried to rush out of the car, while it was moving.

"Evelyn don't you dare" Sam started.

"Move from that seat until we park" Eli finished firmly.

My cheeks grew warm at the tone in their voices, oops. So I waited impatiently for them to park the car and let me out. Once I was I ran to Lilly and hugged her as the two of us squealed.

"Evie come look what daddy and I got you!" She spoke happily trying to pull me with her.

"Mom, slow down, where's dad?" Sam told her before we could even enter the house.

She pouted, "office."

Once the twins and I had been let in Lilly dragged me to the living room where I saw so many presents wrapped in Sophia the First paper. Lilly was so excited for me to open them but the twins said we had to wait until they got their dad.

"But da- Ewi I wan open!" I whined catching myself again before I called either one of them daddy.

"And I understand that angel, but don't you think he would like to be here when you open them?" Eli asked.

I groaned, he was right so I tried to wait when the twins left, key word, tried.

"Here this one first!!!" Lilly said handing me a small one, and that's all it took.

I opened it, inside was a new pacifier, completely decorated with Sophia the First on it. I squealed putting it in my mouth as Lilly grabbed another one and handed it to me. We got three of them open before the men came back.

"I told you boys, your mother was way too excited to wait." I heard Willis stated with a chuckle.

Lilly and I giggled as I tore into another present.

When I had finished, I had five new pacifiers, seven new outfits, a new planner for the new year, and a lot of toys.

"If I knew she was an abdl I would have gotten her some more pull-ups and themed diapers but no one told me" Willis stated pointing at my diaper bag.

"We didn't have permission dad so we couldn't tell you" Sam rolled his eyes.

"Besides where are we going to put any of this? The dorms aren't that big" Eli commented.

I went up to the twins with the best stern look on my face. "Be nice to Po- yewr daddy. He bein nice two yew."

Their dad chuckled as they stared at me with surprise before they smiled.

"We can't win with her" Sam laughed.

"I like her, she fiesty" Willis chuckled.

I smiled and sat on Eli's lap happily, this was a great idea.

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