Part 13

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"Nuh Papa I no wanna" I whined at Sam as he was getting me ready.

We had plans to go to their parents house today, but for some reason I was not feeling up to it.

"Kitten we promise mom that you would come over for a play date" He told me.

I pouted and wiggled around half naked trying to get away from being changed. I had been regressed pretty far these past few days and was in pull ups. If I didn't have class with the twins I had problems going to the bathroom on my own. All the teachers and staff knew the twins were taking care of me now. So it wasn't hard for us to be normal at school.

I felt a small pop on my outer thigh that caused me to hault all movement and look wide eyed up at the twins.

"Papa said stop moving, you need to start listening Angel" Eli told me.

"We know you don't want to go Kitten, but daddy and Papa need to talk with grandpa about some business things."

I whined at Sam's words but let him finish getting me ready. I was happy to see Lilly but today was a bad mental day for me. Unfortunately I still wasn't good at communicating that yet so I went with what they wanted.

We were in the car and on our way in no time, I was in the back seat like normal. The twins played my little mix on the radio, it helped a lot in my mood. I began to sing along and enjoy the ride.

When we arrived my mood was lifted and I was ready to have some fun with Lilly. After the twins got me out I ran for the front door and went straight through it, not waiting for the two.

"EVE!!!" Lilly shouted happily upon seeing me.

"WIWY!!!" I squealed running to her.

"Evelyn!" Papa's stern voice called to me.

I pouted half way to Lilly and turned around to face the twins.

"We understand you are excited" Papa told me.

"However that is no excuse to run off like that. Ever." Daddy scolded.

I whined, "wan'ed Wiwy."

"No excuse young lady" I heard Poppop's voice from behind me. "Besides, there's no running in this house."

I looked down at my feet and mumbled a small apology.

"You guys are meanies " Lilly spoke out, "Come on Eve let's go play in my room."

And I was being dragged up a flight of stairs to Lilly's room. The room was huge, toys and stuffies lined the walls. A tall ceiling held a cute chandelier with heart shaped crystals.

"It's cute right?" Lilly asked, "Willis spared no expense for my little room."

It made me a bit jealous knowing she had all this and my things were packed away in boxes. Though I wasn't able to dwell on it long as Lilly pulled out toys for us to play with. We got into a fantasy world of our own as we played and the real world no longer existed. My anxiety was no longer a problem, and I hadn't thought about my planner and what was on it. This was why I loved being an age regresser, it helped me be normal.

Soon I was fully regressed to about a two year old and Lilly was having fun. I babbled she cooed, I rolled around she giggled. It was like I had a best friend that understood how I thought.

"Girls time for lunch" Daddy came in to tell us.

I made grabbie hands at him want to be carried over wanting to walk. He obliged and lead Lilly to the dinning room. Giggles erupted from me for some reason when we entered. I was feeling care free and like the world was so fuzzy and tingly.

"Someone is just so cute right now, isn't she" Papa said with a smile.

I nodded and giggled bouncing lightly in Daddy's arms.

"She's also a bit wet, where did we put the diaper bag?" Daddy asked.

"It's in the car, I'll grab it."

Papa left and I got scared for some reason, was he coming back? Where was he going? Papa needs to stay with me.

"Nuh Papa!!!" I screamed after him tears pricking my eyes.

Daddy shushed me gently, "he'll be right back baby, he's gotta get your bag out of the car."

I screamed at that, "nuh wan Papa!! Papa nuh weave!!!"

"Baby girl I'm right here" Papa said coming back into the dining room. "Papa had to get your bag see."

He held up my diaper bag to show me, though it didn't mean much. I was upset now, I wanted him. I reached for him, his embrace was what I needed right now.

Papa took me and went somewhere in the house to change me. It was a bathroom, it had a changing table and that's where he laid me down. Papa began to change me, I was calming down but coming out of little space and I hated it.

"Papa, what's wrong with me?" I asked.

He paused what he was doing to look at me, "nothing is wrong with you kitten, why would you think such a thing?"

"I ruined the mood with my fit..."

He smiled at me, "Kitten you didn't ruin it, I understand you have some attachment and I love it. It broke my heart hearing you cry for me, but it made me feel wanted."

I soaked that in and smiled feeling better now, even with those simple words. The twins knew how to handle me with even the smallest bad thoughts I have.

Once he finished changing me he picked me up, "my sweet girl."

My giggles were back, along with the fuzzy feeling that came with my little space. We joined the others back in the dinning room and everyone was waiting for us. When he set me down in a highchair I hadn't noticed, I saw the food on the tray and smiled. Chicken Alfredo, healthy and cheesy and yummy.

"Go ahead kitten."

"You can eat Angel."

I beamed at the two and began to eat the yummy food. My plastic fork was in and out of the pasta as I devoured the food. I was finished before anyone else and I didn't feel bad about it.

"Good girl finishing your food, are you still hungry?" Papa asked.

"No fank yew Papa, full."

"Alright kitten."

He took my plate as well as his into the kitchen as everyone cleared the table. Daddy came and got me out of the highchair letting me down on my feet.

"You can keep playing with mom or you can watch some TV and take a nap Angel."

"Nap p'ease Daddy."

And that's what I did, he laid me down on the couch with a cartoon on. I snuggled into a blanket and closed my eyes, letting sleep come over me.

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