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Tae was already in the living room with the others as they were playing video games. The maknaes were sitting on the couch next to each other when Rose walked out. Taehyung held out his arms to her but she ignored him and climbed into Jimin's lap; much to his surprise. 

"How are you doing love bug?" Jiminie asked her as she stretched her legs on Jungkook's lap. 

"Better, not as much pain now. I just want cuddles." She mumbled into his neck. 

"I'm glad, we were worried about you. Especially Yoongi." Jimin said and then screamed. 

"What the fuck did you just do to me?" Jimin yelled at Yoongs. 

"Ankle pressure point, doesn't serve as a release or momentary paralysis point, but it hurts like hell." He said like it was obvious. 

"Sorry Minnie, Kitty needs love too." She kissed his forehead and slipped down to the floor where Yoongi was. 

Rose attempted to pull the cat into her lap but he was being difficult. 

"I swear to god Min Yoongi, if you keep refusing my love I won't hesitate to break your ribs." She growled, not messing around. 

Yoongs let out a small giggle as he climbed into her lap and snuggled into her. He secretly loved when she was feisty and threatening because it was different from her usual sweet personality. 

"Why bother fighting to give him love when he doesn't want it?" Gguk asked. 

"Because he does want it, he just doesn't want you to think he does." Rose winked at him. 

"Stop telling them I'm not actually emotionless." Yoongi whispered in her ear; irritated. 

Rose just hummed and leaned back against Jimin's leg; she was still pretty tired. 

About an hour later, everyone began to get ready for bed. Tae and JK had Rose trapped in the kitchen and were trying to get her to eat something. 

"Baby, please just eat something. I don't care what it is, but you need to eat." Jungkook pleaded. 

"I'm not hungry though." She replied, trying to get past Tae. 

"How about a protein drink? You don't have to eat it, just drink." Taehyung suggested. 

"Great idea bro!" Kookie exclaimed, going to the pantry. 

"I don't want it. Can't we just go back to bed? I'll eat in the morning." Rose whined. 

"Nope. Drink up, otherwise you'll be here all night." Gguk smiled. 

"I hate both of you." She hissed, snatching the drink and climbing on the counter. 

Rose cracked open the protein drink and almost gagged at the smell. It didn't smell bad, she just got nauseous sometimes when she smelled food and wasn't hungry. 

"If this makes me throw up, its gonna be on you two." She glared at them before taking a small sip. 

Her body tried to reject the drink but she managed to keep it down after a few seconds. 

"Maybe just drink some water if its gonna be that hard for you..." Tae said slowly, feeling bad. 

Rose sighed heavily and laid back on the counter; defeated.

"I told you I wasn't hungry..." She whispered. 

"You've said that before but we still managed to get you to eat. I'm sorry." Jungkook rubbed her thigh apologetically. 

"I need some fresh air. I'm gonna go stay with Yeonjun, I'll be back tomorrow morning." 

"No you aren't. You can't just leave if you have issues with us, we need to talk through it instead." Jungkook raised an eyebrow. 

"You're preventing me from leaving? Am I on house arrest?" Rose began to raise her voice. 

"Rosie...Calm your tits. You're overreacting because of your period hormones." Jimin scolded as he walked up to them. 

"You're not the boss of me, stay out of my business." She hissed. 

"I don't wanna hear it. You're being ridiculous right now. And just so you know, you are my business because I care about you. So stop being a bitch and play nice with your boyfriends." He threatened.

Rose's eyes filled with tears and she jumped off the counter and ran out of the kitchen. 

"I think that was a little harsh Min..." Tae said quietly. 

"It may have been, but she needed to hear it. Every once and a while she gets a really bad period and it makes her personality really shit sometimes. She was being a brat for no reason, it didn't need to happen." The mochi explained. 

"You got guts Park, I'll give you that." JK nodded to him as he went to find Rose. 

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