Pirate AU Part 14

Start from the beginning

"There's only one bed." The innkeeper said as she passed them the key.

"Thats fine," Kya reassured her. "If a woman with a scar on her cheek comes in tell her our room number."

"Of course."

They had to go back outside to get to the room on the first floor. Her hand hurt just opening the door in the cold but when they got in they let out a sigh of relief. There was a fire going in a small pit, heating the room up. The bed was thick with furs and there was even a sofa in front of the fire place, a platypus bear skin rug underneath it.

Kya started to take off her furs, making her way to the fire to throw in more logs, she wanted it hot like home. She was aware of Izumi tossing her clothing onto a chair next to the door. The taller woman pulled out her crown giving her head a shake.

"Does it hurt, wearing that all the time?" Kya asked.

"Eh, I've gotten used to it. Used to hate it, though." Kya chuckled, picturing a small pirate lord, fighting with her mother about her hair.

"This place is beautiful," Izumi said. Kya heard her swords touch the floor, and the zipper on her boots come undone.

"It is. It's unreal." Kya replied, stoking the fire until a large flame cracked, leaving her satisfied with her work.

"Your mother seems wonderful, and your uncle."

"I can't believe how long I've been gone." Kya said. Izumi was standing behind her now, and she embraced the hug she was given.

"You have the rest of your life to make up for it." Izumi whispered, kissing her on the cheek. Kya smiled, absorbing her woods. She could make it right.

She turned to face her girlfriend, who looked a lot like the mysterious badass pirate princess she had met moons ago.

It was attractive really.

"Aren't you going to be cold in this?" Kya asked, gripping the loose fabric of the button up Izumi still had on.

"I was hoping you guys would warm me up."

"Is that so?"

"If I remember correctly I get the middle tonight."

"Hmm, you'll have to fight me for it!" Kya said excitedly. She jumped onto the bed, Izumi launching herself after her. They laughed, kissing each other lightly while their hands found spots to squeeze.

Hair was everywhere, but Kya managed to catch a glimpse of Izumi's scar through her low neckline.

"What?" Izumi asked at the sudden pause.

"Is it noticeable?"


"My scar." Kya said. She often forgot she had it, but every once and while she would catch a glimpse of her reflection, and remember the patch of dark skin that had healed over the bullet.

"Not really," Izumi said, "but mind you I'm not usually looking at your forhead."


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